Open Yesterday, Closed Today - Elk Grove Sizzler Closes For Business

"It was open for business yesterday, but it is now closed," said the man neatly dressed in a shirt and tie at the back of the S...

"It was open for business yesterday, but it is now closed," said the man neatly dressed in a shirt and tie at the back of the Sizzler restaurant on Bond Road in Elk Grove.

According to the store employee from a Sacramento Sizzler store, the low-range steakhouse was open yesterday, but the owners decided to shut down the business today. The employee was not certain why this store closed.

Sizzler was the second business of the space that was originally occupied the Island Burgers chain. That store closed in 2008.

Undeterred by the closing, the Sizzler employee was handing out discount coupons to would-be customers. "The Florin Road store is open for business," he said.

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Anonymous said...

Something else for Randy Starbuck to put in his quarterly economic development report---oh that's right, he only puts in new businesses to make it look like were gaining ground instead of losing. Get those 8,000 acres in the SOI ASAP because we are a destination city!

Anonymous said...

What a surprise!!!!! They were always crowded.

Billy Bats said...

To bad they had to close their doors. With some luck, it won't sit empty for to long.

Connie Conley said...

It looks bad for our city when chain restaurants can't even make it here. The boarded up Chili's on Elk Grove-Florin that has been sitting like that for years now looks horrible and is a terrble reflection on what we have to offer any new business as part of an overall economic development plan.

But if you look at Starbuck's report, he only reported on two items of note he had been working on this last quarter; one being the ice rink.

Anonymous said...

Starbucks reports are like some canned speech....boring!

Anonymous said...

Come on Starbuck! Save our SIZZLER! Save our SIZZLER! Save our SIZZZZZLER!!!

Anonymous said...

Bad it closed, and did not give their employees time to find another

Anonymous said...

I'm not surprised by the closure of this restaurant. It was mediocre at best. It's more upsetting to think about those folks that are now out of work in this job market.

Anonymous said...

Bout time that sizzlers closed food was horrible not to mention my sister worked there she told me some disturbing things about there food and waiters there eating off plates thats not the bad just sayin look on yelp see the bad feedback..SMH on another note feel bad for the ones who lost there jobs...

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