Davis Raises Over $26k, Accepts Donations From Developers Suing Elk Grove

February 3, 2013 | In what appears to be a late filing, documents received by the Elk Grove City Clerk's office show that Elk Gro...

February 3, 2013 |

In what appears to be a late filing, documents received by the Elk Grove City Clerk's office show that Elk Grove Mayor Gary Davis raised $26,045 for the six months ending December 31, 2013.

Davis received 34 donations, nine of which were from individuals and 24 classified as other. Among larger notable other donations received by Davis were $2,000 from Fabian Nunez for Treasurer 2014, $2,080 from Village Properties of Belmont, Calif., $2,000 from Plumbers & Pipefitters, Local 47, $1,000 from Nissan of Elk Grove, $1,000 from the California Real Estate PAC, $200 from Philip Carter, principle of PMC Sierra, $200 from Vintara Holdings and $200 from Gil Moore Oil Co. 

The largest single donations for the period came from Christo Bardis and John Reynen who gave the mayor $3,500 and $2,600 respectively. Both men, who were former principles of local housing developer Reynen and Bardis that was one of the more spectacular collapses during the 2008 credit collapse, are currently suing the City of Elk Grove (Case #2014-80001721).

For the year, Davis' largest donator was the Plumbers & Pipefitters, Local 47 which gave $4,890. Davis' Form 460, which was due or postmarked at the the close of business last Friday, shows a 8:01 a.m time stamp from this morning.


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Coffee Bean said...

Just another reason why "the people's house" will forever be limited to people enjoying their 3 minutes of democracy from behind the podium. The game is rigged against the people ever mounting a campaign and getting elected, so they too can sit on the other side of the podium in the house.

Anonymous said...

Davis is totally morally corrupt. How can he accept monies from an entity that is suing the city? He's the mayor!

Will someone explain to him how this is morally and ethically wrong and that he should have respectfully declined those monies under the circumstances.

Davis has once again crossed the line and voluntarily and intentionally placed himself into the political toilet.

Time for changes! - Is anyone listening?

Buehler? Buehler?

Anonymous said...

It would seem that all contributions from a City Business or City Contractor should be banned. How about Nunez & PMC to name a couple and some others that are questionable. I call that "pay to play money."

What's the deal with the Food Truck event that our Mayor likes to call his own? I see no checks being issued to the city for use of our $1M property...like utilities, water, insurance, etc.

Jerry Maguire said...

Elk Grove is a laughing stock in this region.

Look at all the light industrial and office jobs West Sacramento and Rancho Cordova have.

Look at Elk Grove, home of the fast food joint, strip shopping centers and world class shopping mall.

Where is all the executive housing that will attract regional and national businesses?

Well.... we do have an Olympic caliber Amusement Park that is coming down the pike.

Anonymous said...

Good question. - What about the monthly food truck fiascos Davis sponsors on the million $$ city property?

Davis? Davis??

Anonymous said...

The Food Trucks events are enjoyable. It brings people and the community. I don't understand why people would have a problem with that.

Snooper said...

Old Town Plaza is open to everyone. Food Truck event is permitted and paid for.

Contributions were received before any litigation was filed.

Lynn said...

Snooper explain to me what makes it more right receiving the contributions before litigation? All our elected leaders are receiving contributions from those who have the most to gain; I keep saying it and hoping someone will hear; this is about GREED! Do any of elected leaders really truly care about the long term of our city residents? If they did they would of answered the gentleman's question "would any of you want to have a gas station/strip center directly behind your home?" Snooper who pays for the Food Truck event??
The political game will continue as is unless residents want to change the "pay to play game". It can be done!!!

Anonymous said...

It may be that Contributions were received before any litigation was filed, but it's not likely R & B were unaware that they were filing a law suit against the city. Receiving a large contribution such as this should have been a red flag for Mayor Davis and a reason for him to question it. Especially when there were most likely rumblings at city hall regarding an unhappy R & B.

Is there a time frame for returning contributions...like maybe 60 days. If so...maybe just donate the exact amount to some charity, like The Food Bank. Still amazes me why our elected officials grab those easy dollars and think there is no reason behind them. Sell their soul to the highest bidder........we need campaign reform here in EG!

Anonymous said...


What do you have against the Food Truck events? Does it bother you that residents are getting together and having a good time? You don't seem to want anything for residents to do in Elk Grove.

Anonymous said...

Anon at 13:47..
I'm not Lynn, but I can tell you why these Food Truck events don't sit well with citizens who continue to monitor their city council and their questionable ways...How about 1) what is the process for renting that piece of property in Old Town? Do you know that YOU cannot rent that proerty because there is no "process in place" for the average guy to to that. So, why does the Mayor get to use that property for his own political gain? Does it pay for Insurance? Toilets? Lights? Rental Fee? Maybe he does ...maybe he doesn't. How about 2) Why did we spend 1 million for that land with no off-setting revenue to speak of? This property is a thorn in the side of residents who felt it was a waste of 1 million dollars. To date, the only event that seem to happen there are GAry Davis political rah-rah sessions. I personally feel the council wasted another 1 million...but hey,it's not their money....and they can have all the food trucks there they want without having to pick up any of the tab. Sweet deal if you can get it.

Billy Bats said...

My question is this - why was the mayor the only one to receive contributions from Reynen & Bardis?

Was it a Chicago type shakedown? Is he telling them R&B he was the third vote they needed? Did he promise something he couldn't deliver? It is smelly like that fish that has been in your refrigerator a bit to long.

Anonymous said...

Quite a few nearby residents don't feel the railroad property is a thorn in the side. As a resident that took the time to talk to Gary Davis about the property, I know the city has visions for that property. Chili Cook-Off, Dicken's Fair, Second Saturday, and the Ice Rick was also held on the property. So it's not just for Gary's "rah-rah" sessions.

Anonymous said...

You want to see a vibrant downtown?

Go to Livermore, Lodi, San Mateo, Burlingame.

Anonymous said...

OK...I find two things interesting about Mayor Davis' 460's. First, all 34 contributors gave money to Davis on the same day. Must have been a hell of a party. Next, I don't see any "expenses" that would cover the cost of "renting" the old town plaza parcel. He does not seem Davis spent anything for rent, security, lighting, insurance, permit fee, nothing. So exactly why does the Mayor get use of this public land for political events without cost? When you rent a picnic table at EG Park, you must pay a rental fee and a clean up fee. But clearly our Mayor does not. Begs the question..WHY?

Jill said...

Looks like the Mayor may have had his fund raiser at the Boulevard Bistro. Cost him $1,268 - not a bad night, not bad at all!

Eastside Bob said...

Interestingly, Davis's and Hume's donations all came on the same day, immediately preceding the final SOI vote. They were smart enough to collect their donations before the SOI was defeated. The price they pay for that may be much heavier.

Did they assure their supporters the SOI was a "done deal?"

If so, there are a lot of upset developers who may want their pound of flesh before it's all over.

We'll see what happens next.

...and I would like to know how is it that Davis gets use of the million dollar tract of land in Old Town without any expenditures for rent, insurance, lighting, and portable restrooms. He is certainly not putting on a city sponsored function. - These items should be required in his 460's.

- If the land use is free, I'm calling the city and reserving it for my daughter's wedding reception this summer.

Anyone want to give me some odds that the property is not available?

Taxpayer said...

I don't care if the city does have a vision for the old town property. We paid for it and they represent us--so any "vision" needs to come through us first. Don't see anyone asking for our input. Spend our money first and ask questions later.

BG said...

I have attended many of the food truck events and I think Davis should be commended for trying to get citizens out to old town and drum up interest in old town.

That said, I have to agree with Eastside Bob regarding the issue of why Davis did not include the expenditures from these events in his 460's.

I find this troubling and I'm beginning to believe all the naysayers on this site that actually watch what is going on in our city. I thought they were just people with negative attitudes towards government, but now I have to say, they have converted me.

I have seen real issues posed by the EGN readers and absolutely no response by anyone in our government.

I would attend council meetings and ask the council for some answers but I work evenings and cannot attend the meetings.

Readers bring up real issues that none of the council or city management has yet to respond to. I find this troubling.

I understand at least a few of the council members and city staff read this blog, so I ask you; why don't you respond to these comments / allegations?

You'll have to or you'll lose this vote.

Railroad Property Rental said...

Sac MoFo is the title sponsor of the First Wednesday Food Truck Event. As such, they pay for the rental of the railroad property, the insurance, etc. They invited Gary Davis to be a named sponsor as Mayor of Elk Grove. He receives no money whatsoever so there is nothing to report.

Our elected officials lend their names to many events, including those put on by relatives who are making money off the event.

Anyone and/or group can rent the railroad yard for their own events. The city of Elk Grove website has all the details to secure rental.

Sorry people, but Gary Davis is not getting special treatment here. Next. . . .

Anonymous said...

THANKS GARY FOR THE UPDATE. And yes, Davis and his co-horts nickel and dime the city to death. If not for their own benefit, then for their family/friends. Isn't there a lawsuit ongoing now about Detrick's son and his sweet deals the city has created on his account.

Anonymous said...

RPR...The flyer states otherwise. "Join us every first Wednesday of the month in Old Town Elk Grove, from 5-9 pm, courtesy of Mayor Gary Davis." This gives the impression and actually says so, that this event is brought to us by
Mayor Davis. I see nothing about Gary Davis being a sponsor for them and the event being held in that fashion. If SactoMoFo
is paying the rental for Mayor Davis, that is reportable by him. Explain please, what am I missing? Looks like they need to have a meeting of the minds....


Anonymous said...

Elk Grove is fortunate! I noticed that NO OTHER city on the Sac Mo Fo page has a Mayor sponsoring a food truck event. Way to go Gary Davis for bringing the community together like no other city has done!

Jill said...

At whose expense? I'd rather have the money the city is expending on this go to the Food Bank rather than a crass political ploy by Mayor Davis. You have been hoodwinked to be sure.

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of whiners! Do you folks need a little cheese to go with that whine? A lot of people enjoy the food truck events. If it was up to some of you, Elk Grove wouldn't have anything!

Anonymous said...

Leaving out the concept of liking or disliking Food Trucks, but from a different angle. Do you think it is in the cities best interest for a City Mayor to be sponsoring a Food Truck event when Brick & Mortar stores are having a difficult time surviving in our city. This event can be held without his endorsement. A
Mayor is to be neutral in his choices as to endorsements. Keep everything open and above board.

BTW...exactly what do they pay the city for use of this property?

Anonymous said...

Let me get this straight...the SacMoFo organization pays for all the costs for these events? You said YES, correct? But Mayor Davis benefits from these events because he uses these events to hand out political flyers, etc. and intimates by the language on the flyer that he is the sponsor. Correct? Yes again as I have been shoved many a flyer while walking through the SacMoFo event. So, it seems these events are de facto political events. If so, then why is there NO mention of these "in kind" contributions on Mayor Davis' 460’s? It is my understand if you receive free flowers, or someone comps the wine, or if some individuals "hosts" prizes for an event, those items must be noted on a politicians 460. So, if SacMoFo is picking up the rental fee, the security deposit, the insurance, then why NO mention of SacMoFo on Davis' 460. Care to elaborate???

Anonymous said...

I think what angers me more is our Elected Mayor Davis not taking ownership of this. He has always presented this as his event, covered it with flyers saying as much and now we hear a completely different story from him or one of his gofers (RPR). Clean it up Mayor Davis......

Anonymous said...

Davis is a turd!

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