Moore's Elk Grove Trifecta Nearing Completion

March 24, 2014 | Time to break out the Colt 45's and Mickey's and raise a toast to Gil Moore's completion of his trifect...

March 24, 2014 |

Time to break out the Colt 45's and Mickey's and raise a toast to Gil Moore's completion of his trifecta - a new billboard ordinance, rezone from multi-family to commercial and this Wednesday night, his consent calender purchase of the surplus property from the City of Elk Grove to place to billboard for his gas station, McDonald's and most importantly, beer cave.

For Moore, the trifecta was certainly not as easy as was originally pitched to him when Gil Albiani sold him the property on the corner of Sheldon Road and East Stockton Boulevard, but hey, its not impossible to get what you want done as long as you pay off the right people. In fact, right up until this last week, Marites Moore, the unemployed wife of Moore, made yet a $4,100 contribution to a council member. 

So here's a cheer to Moore's money on behalf of all the council members who gladly tapped his generosity and gave him exactly what he wanted. Moore got his billboard and McDonald's, council members got the cash they need to keep others from entering city council races, and the citizens, well, hey, two out of three ain't bad!

And just to show there are no hard feelings, I'll be there on opening day to get a quart of Colt, Mickey's or PBR, or maybe all three, and lift a toast to Gil Moore - the best thing to happen to Elk Grove since sliced bread!

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Urban Champagne said...

What, no Olde English 800?

Sick of Moore said...

If this project, and all that occurred here, isn't the best example of our local government at its worst, I don't know what is!

Someone who used to care said...

How disappointing. Our local government has let it's citizens down, yet again.

Mad Hatter said...

I agree with "sick of moore". The four goofballs and one geezer millionaire sold the city down a visually blighted river. Nice job fellas.

U-Haul said...

For awhile there I thought we were gonna have a rumble--Hawaii against the Greeks. But in the end, everyone got a piece of the action and there's peace once again in Fast Food City!

Anonymous said...

Cave should stock pallets of Olde English 800; the beverage of choice in the hood.

Homies need to get fueled up for a leisurely 90 mph drive up 99 in their hoopty after filing up at the neighboring gas station and loading up on grease at the fast food joints.

Elk Grove Thriving!

Anonymous said...

Although this story is perhaps of the tongue-in-cheek variety; the sad truth is all the facts are accurate. Gil Moore has single-handed manipulated and raped this city. His quest for greed; as well as shallow council members who only live in today's vision; have left us wholly "un-unique"; in fact typical of all the exits from Elk Grove to Bakersfield. Nice going fellas. You can have so much to be proud of now...another McD and gas station...OH BOY, what destination vision y'all have. And looking at the scarring that has occurred...sign ordinance shot to hell; alcohol sales 30 feet from a freeway on-ramp; re-zones accomplished; and miraculously, he is the high bidder on the land he needs to place his hard fought freeway signage (I'd love to see those bids!!) Yup, I know I will sleep better tonight knowing another gas station is right up the street. OUTSTANDING PLANNING FELLAS!!!

Anonymous said...

We should all give Steve Detrick a big round of applause bringing Elk Grove to a new low in politics and planning. I hope it was worth the campaign donations.

Capt. Benjamin L. Willard said...

No worries for Mr. Detrick. He is far enough away from the McDonald's so he doesn't need to worry about the fumes floating in behind the gates. Plus, Moore's office will be located there, so both Mr. Detrick and Mr. Davis can use the drive-thru windows on their way to work or city hall to pick up their honorarium.

I agree with the earlier comments - Moore's project is really a case study in how government works. In a word - money,

Anonymous said...

Bring on the signs, the Beer Cave, Fast Food and gas pumps.

This will make Elk Grove THE Destination City

Next time invite King Joffey Joffer to visit the following:

Flat out failed rusted mall.

Empty office buildings.

Half vacant strip centers.

One community center that is on its back paws up.

Sister city to two cities in banana republics.

Amusement park right across from single family homes in Madeira "the Jewel of Elk Grove".

$100 million soccer stadium.

Visions of the Olympic Trials.

3,600 units of high density very low and low income housing on the way to "Meridian" (the Southeast Plan Area) - Hood of the future.

Prime Time Crime Time -

Crimes in the past three weeks:

Three local yokels; one rocket scientist Asian chick and two puny homies with handguns try to jack some dude and end up nearly killing him in a drug robbery south of the Raley's on Franklin and Elk Grove Boulevards.

9 kids involved in a gang rape of a teen girl (student at Franklin High).

Teenager kicked and robbed during the day near Hometown Buffet on Bruceville.

What originally was thought to be a fight and shooting in the strip center at Franklin and Laguna.

Just another day in South Sacramento south. Or as Homie Rogers says "Just another day in the neighborHOOD".

Bring on more low income housing projects, liquor stores, fast food joints, shooting ranges, gun stores, smoke shops and nail salons.

Elk Grove Thriving!

Anonymous said...

Interesting that Mrs. Moore donates 4,100 to Cooper and she is unemployed. So who actually donated the money?? Mr. Moore of course!! I find this offensive that these developers have to stoop to have their wives/families donate in an attempt to hide the truth of the donation. Mr. Moore has lost all perspective and respect. Greed has taken over and now the entire family is learning his trade. Mr. Moore, just man up and not let your wife have to dirty up her name for you. What kind of man does that? Think about it Mr. Moore. Your wife just became Cooper's whore. Great Job.

Anonymous said...

elkgrove2people, or anonymous @ 12:09 please do the good people that care about this city a favor and MOVE.

Glenn said...


12:09 is just calling it as he sees it.
It's ugly, granted, but is it inaccurate?
Some people are just getting fed up with business as usual. We now look like and function like Elk Grove circa 2002.
Detrick = Leary
Davis = Soares

Wow, thought I'd never see that happen. Incredible.

Anonymous said...

Got to agree with's ugly and I too thought we'd never see Leary again....different face, same crap.

Calling the FBI said...

Too bad the FBI doesn't do a sting operation down here in Elk Grove. Calderon, Wright and now Leland Yee.

In my opinion, I would venture to guess that a bit of “pay to play” corruption took place on the Gil Moore project. After all we heard about bottles of wine and sky trips from the dais; not to mention suddenly Moore, whom we never heard of before, coughed up $20K to two of the Detricks just prior to submitting his plans and then he took to the dais for the first time to have the sign ordinance change with Detrick, right on cue, doing Moore's bidding.

Can’t tell me all of this was just for the “greater good” because Elk Grove had to have another McDonald’s!

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