Moore Fast Food, Moore Billboards, Moore Litter For Elk Grove

August 17, 2014 | If there is one thing Elk Grove has, it's fast food outlets. Thanks to the efforts of one man, not only will E...

August 17, 2014 |

If there is one thing Elk Grove has, it's fast food outlets. Thanks to the efforts of one man, not only will Elk Grove be home to one more critically-needed McDonald's, we have the very distinct possibility that massive billboards will line our heretofore relatively clutter-free highways.

Let's just hope the city doesn't forget one crucial design element of all those fast food restaurants coming to Elk Grove in the future.

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Michael Monasky said...

Here is Mayor Gary Davis' likely comment on this article:
"'ve exceeded your three minutes; please wrap it up..." and he'd repeat it over and over for 40 more seconds.

Michael Monasky

Pyro Pete said...

That's Moore funnier than I imagined.

Just think, 1 match along Sheldon and it would all go up in smoke. Maybe that's the plan.

Maybe that SHOULD be the plan.

No More Moore said...

A poster on the Detrick FPPC article said Detrick has done some “good things” for the city. Is being Moore’s benefactor for the sign ordinance one of them? I daresay not! Detrick pushed this ordinance through for Moore. That’s what $40K will buy you!

Quite a pair, these two: Mr. Egomaniac and Mr. Better Than Sliced Bread! Is there a room big enough for these two?

Anonymous said...

On a more positive note...I can see it now when the MLS team comes to Elk Grove next month and reviews all those Feasibility Studies on the Civic Center, Aquatics & Water Playground, Animal Shelter, etc. that this would be the up and coming city/burb to locate a Stadium in. That's before they're even told about all the fast food outlets, 75' highway signs, Outlet
Mall, Executive Housing & Low-income Housing. All of this would obviously be a sign that the taxpayers are on board with a Bond to build a Stadium...BUILD IT AND THEY WILL COME!

Those weeds along all the roadways...that's for catching the trash before it blows onto everyones yards. Geez, I thought everyone knew that....

Anonymous said...

At least the soundtrack is good--Quicksilver Messenger Service! Maybe they could play a reunion concert at our new soccer stadium!

John Cipollina R.I.P.

Anonymous said...

Trash blowing in the wind,

Flat bland hot windy sprawling fast food nail salons gun stores smoke shops vape palaces strip malls cheap looking apartments lack of symphony light opera and ballet very few upscale restaurants dollar stores cookie cutter houses.


No, Elk Grove brought to you by the rubber stampers.

Way to go, on the way to becoming a huge sprawling valley arm pit.

Beakie Baby said...

I have been contacting the City about 4 properties that need to be cleaned up, Fire Chief as per the City codes can fine the Property owners if the project is a fire hazard. The one property across form Winco had the weeds mowed last week; the old burned out building across the street from the high school on Calvin Road was removed two weeks ago. Still Moore's property and the old farm house at Waterman and Sheldon are still a fire hazard and a homeless shelter. If you contribute to the City Council members then you do not have to play by the rules. Pat and Steve enforce the rules? You represent the citizens.

Anonymous said...

Come on folks the mall is being turned into a upscale outlet mall. Some of the Tenants are:
K-Mart Outlet
Wal-mart Outlet
99 Cent Outlet
And several unannounced Tenants.

Capt. Benjamin L. Willard said...

Years ago back in my hometown of Toledo, the local Burger Chef was the source of litter at a local park. The city threatened the local franchisee to clean up its act or lose it business licence. Within a few months the litter problem cleared up, and no, it was not because of the cold weather.

The point here is the city needs to make Winco or the landlord to not only provide more trash cans, but to have employees monitor trash in that lot throughout the day. Lady Bird Johnson would be rolling in her grave if she saw that patch of litter.

Anonymous said...

The City of Elk Grove has a great code enforcement department that has been super responsive to the complaints that I have sent them. If you have not already done that, that is what should be done. Complaining on this news site will not get anything resolved.

To Anon 9:22 said...

The point is many of us in the surrounding area have in fact complained to Code Enforcement, repeatedly, to no avail. Nothing has been done. Is this because of Moore's large contributions to the counci, Detrick family in particular?

Elk Grove News said...

The above referenced EGN story has been unlocked and is available for viewing.

Anonymous said...

Why should we have to be the eyes for the City -- Steve you drive by the Moore site every day and so does the Mayor. How does this look to someone coming to Elk Grove to survey a site for a new business? Come on don't lay the blame on the citizens. Yes the City has responded in a timely manner on every thing has been ask except Moore property and the fire trap at Waterman and Sheldon. Mr. Fire Chief review the codes and send the property owners a notice -to - comply or fine the property owners

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