Facing No Opposition, Elk Grove Mayor Gary Davis Raised $3,000 For Campaign

February 2, 2015 | Facing no opposition for his 2014 reelection campaign, Elk Grove Mayor Gary Davis raised $3,000 between October 19...

February 2, 2015 |

Facing no opposition for his 2014 reelection campaign, Elk Grove Mayor Gary Davis raised $3,000 between October 19, and December 31, 2014 according to financial disclosures filed with the Elk Grove City Clerks's office. 

Davis, who won his second two-year mayoral term unopposed, received contributions of $2,500 and $500 during the reporting period from Taylor Morrison home builders and Local 340 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Works respectively. Davis also received a refund of $300 from the City of Elk Grove for his campaign statement.

For the year Davis raised $13,050 and ended the with a cash balance of  $22,060.        

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Brian said...

Better get off that coffee stool and start raising $$, otherwise your buddy Lie is going to squash you like a bug in the next mayoral election. He's proven he can out fundraise anyone in the city's history by drawing Hmong $$ from across the nation.

You asked for this Mr. Mayor, now watch it bite you in the 6.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. Ly will run v Davis and outspend him by $100,000 and get the mayor's spot for himself.

Davis will lament ever meeting that guy.

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