Elk Grove Hires New Economic Development Director

April 28, 2015 | The City of Elk Grove announced today that a new economic development director has been hired. Darrell Doan.  ...

April 28, 2015 |

The City of Elk Grove announced today that a new economic development director has been hired.

Darrell Doan. 
Darrell Doan has been selected to the position that has been vacant since the August, 2014 departure of the former director Randy Starbuck. Doan was most recently the City of Alameda's economic development division manager.

Doan was hired a little over one year ago by Alameda after working for the quasi-public Baltimore Development Corporation. Doan was with that agency for seven years prior to moving to Alameda.

“We are very excited to have Darrell join the City of Elk Grove, Elk Grove City Manager Laura Gill said. "I believe he has the energy, enthusiasm, and entrepreneurial approach that our City needs to attract innovative businesses to Elk Grove that improve our jobs to housing imbalance.”

Doan earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science from the University of California at Davis. He holds a master’s degree in City and Regional Planning from Rutgers University.

Mr. Doan is expected to start work with the City in late May.

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Warren Buffett said...

Another "fall guy" for when nothing more than rooftops and retail materialize.

Anonymous said...

It takes a lot more than energy and enthusiasm to bring jobs to Elk Grove. I see nothing but rooftops anchored by chain retailers and another guy on the road again in a year with his tail wagging behind wondering what the h--- happened? Oooh, the city council will wine and dine him for a couple of months and then one morning he'll wake up and go to that meeting and receive his instructions on how to work better with the Developers and get us some financing for all those money making projects we have in the hopper. All we'll hear is that giant sucking sound,

Anonymous said...

With the CA water crisis you can forget about jobs coming here. They're asking us to forgo that glass of water when eating out, but yet we have an Olympic Aquatics Center & Stadium/soccer fields still on the burner. We'll be watering once a week...trees, lawns & medians dying. Time for a moratorium on building to be in place. Gov. Brown even considering a $10,000 fine for wasting water...does that not get this cities attention???

Anonymous said...

Mr. Doan doesn't know what he is getting into. He is going to have an impossible task of fixing the problems that are Inherent in Mayor Davis' leadership. We all witnessed Davis dismissed city employee who brought public safety concerns to his attention. Doing businesses with Davis is a big liability for any major employer.

Anonymous said...

True Anon 20:55, plus having to deal with his Chief of Staff hand delivering his instructions.

Anonymous said...

Per the SactoBee....Doan’s salary in Elk Grove will be $146,192.

He was hired in Alameda in April,2014 for an annual salary of $120,973. Seems EG was very generous....$2100. a month increase. But what the heck, we're loaded and as has become evident...they love spending our taxpayer dollars.


Anonymous said...

Here is the ad that was placed with Peckham and McKenney in February, 2015.


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