El Niño Blamed For Delay of Elk Grove's Wayfinding Sign Tourism Program

Elk Grove auto mall

January 13, 2016 |

This year's El Niño has already caused severe flooding in Southern California and is expected to bring much-needed water to the state's near-empty reservoirs. While Northern California has so far escaped the devastation other parts of the state have experienced, there has been one casualty in the region - Elk Grove's installation of the long-anticipated wayfinding sign program.

That program, which has been in process for over three years, has been one of the cornerstones of Mayor Gary Davis' vision of transforming the city into an international tourist destination. The wayfinding signs are meant to help out-of-town tourists find their way to the city's various tourist attractions and points of interest.

In her administrative report to the City Council, Elk Grove City Manager Laura Gill blamed the delay of installation of the signs on "inclement weather." In the last several months Gill said installation of all the signs throughout the city was to have been completed by the end of 2015.

Gill said "weather delays and changes due to sign programming" are the reasons for the delays. Gill added that she now expects installation to be completed by the end of March.


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Anonymous said...

The Elk Grove City Manager, Gill, skirted the truth on that one. She had stated approx. couple of months ago they would start installation the next week. Maybe we got some more signs like the ones at the auto mall and had to go for a redo.

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