Elk Grove News Minute - What's up with the ‘In God We Trust’ request?

September 15, 2018 | 

In August, the Elk Grove City Council, following the lead of Council Member Steve Detrick agreed to a request made by Mr. Gary Puryear of an organization on a nationwide mission with the zeal of traveling salvation show. What happened to that request?

A video on the city council's most recent action can be viewed here.

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Eye on Elk Grove said...

Elk Grove City Council member Pat Hume stated in tabling the “In God We Trust” item championed by his fellow Republican Steve Detrick, “Some things have come up with respect to that recently. . . .”

What Hume forgot to mention is that those “some things” were brought forward by the active members of the community – you know, those 10 people who frequent Elk Grove News – that would have caused the city of Elk Grove and this Council a lot of embarrassment!

And of course, not one thank you was said. Bad form!

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