Elk Grove News Minute - The biggest loser in Elk Grove's 2018 election

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. | 

November 10, 2018 |  

In elections, there are metaphorical winners and losers, and the recent one in Elk Grove was no exception. So who was the biggest loser in this Elk Grove election?

This, and all previous Elk Grove News Minutes, interviews, and Dan Schmitt's Ya' Gotta be Schmittin' Me are now available on iTunes. 

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Eye on Elk Grove said...
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Eye on Elk Grove said...

This tells me, the loud message to all of those big money contributors who have nothing to show for it, thinking Gary Davis' last-minute flip would help Darren Suen really is, "An endorsement from Gary Davis is the kiss of death in Elk Grove elections."

Unknown said...

Biggest Loser is Darren. It's time for a real Democrat to replace him.

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