Singh-Allen takes in 11th hour 5-figure donor class contribution in Elk Grove mayoral race

With less than a week to go in the hotly contested and closely watched Elk Grove mayoral race, challenger Bobbie Singh-Allen landed a five-figure contribution from a long-time player in real estate development and city politics.

On Thursday, October 29, Singh-Allen received a $10,000 campaign contribution from Chris Bardin of ABR Investments, LLC. Bardis, formerly of Reynen Bardis, has been a longtime contributor to seated  Elk Grove city councilmembers. 

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Traditionally members of the real estate donor class are nothing if not pragmatic. Putting party affiliations aside, the real estate donor class typically supports Elk Grove city councilmembers who have voted in their favor regardless of their political inclinations.

Over the 20 year history of Elk Grove, the city has moved from being a Republican area to a community where Democratic voter registrations are the largest partisan bloc. Even though the city council has a 3 to 2 Democratic majority, because of their influence, the donor class has enjoyed the unanimous support of city council members regardless of party affliction.

Bardis' donation to a non-office holder can be viewed through multiple lenses. Perhaps Bardis has been provided internal polling showing Singh-Allen with an advantage over incumbent Steve Ly.

If Singh-Allen prevails in her challenge to Ly, she will likely follow the well-traveled path of every Elk Grove city councilmember and be amenable to projects from the real estate development donor class. 

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