Only 9% of Sacramento County ballots submitted with one week until voting closes

What could be viewed as an opportunity for candidates and dread for many voters, as of Friday, May 27, only nine percent of ballots have been returned in Sacramento County.

The low turnout for candidates means they have a large pool of voters they can contact and try to earn support. In a low turnout election, each vote a candidate secures carries more weight.

For voters, the low turnout means high-propensity voters will receive more phone calls, text messages, door knocks, and, yes, a few more mailers.

According to information compiled by Political Data Inc., 76,426 of 863,801 ballots in Sacramento County have been returned. Of those ballots, 10-percent are Democratic, 9-percent Republican, and 6-percent of independent.

By comparison, during the November 2020 Presidential election in Elk Grove, about 60-percent of ballots had been returned 10 days before voting closed on November 2. During the 2018 primary, there was about 37-percent turnout statewide, which the Associated Press characterized as a high turnout for a mid-term.

In 2018, many Democratic voters were motivated by anger with former President Donald Trump, and the primary turnout foretold the Democratic takeover of the U.S. House of Representatives. This year, California primary turnout, particularly for Democratic voters, is expected to lag 2018 results. 

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