UPDATED: Mayor Singh-Allen, Councilmember Suen respond to efforts against them and one fellow Democratic Elk Grove City Council member

Democratic Elk Grove Mayor Bobbie Singh-Allen (right) defends her endorsement
of Republican Pat Hume. | 

UPDATED 2:45 p.m. July 21 | See Elk Grove City Councilmember Darren Suen's response below

Yesterday the Progressive Caucus of the California Democratic Party submitted a request to the state party to strip three Elk Grove City Council members' delegate status and limit their role in the endorsement process for the District 10 California Assembly seat.

The action was taken against City Councilmembers Stephanie Nguyen, Darren Suen, and Mayor Bobbie-Singh Allen. The Progressive Caucus, led by Amar Shergill, is seeking action because the trio endorsed Republican Elk Grove City Councilmember Pat Hume over Democratic Cosumnes Community Services District Director Jaclyn Moreno.

Hume and Moreno are competing in the November election for the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors District 5 position. Shergill asserts their endorsement of a Republican over a fellow Democrat violates party bylaws.  

Yesterday's story was posted before Nguyen, Singh-Allen, and Suen had an opportunity to respond to a request for comment. As of this posting, Ms. Singh-Allen and Mr. Suen have responded.

In her statement, Singh-Allen defended her party credentials and the endorsement of Hume, noting the Board of Supervisors race is officially non-partisan.

Voters are tired of divisive politics, whether they are Democrats, Republicans or independents. They want people to work together to bring about solutions. That has been and continues to be my focus.
My Democratic values are beyond reproach, having been elected as a Presidential Delegate for Hilary Clinton and Joe Biden.
As I stated before publicly my decision to support my fellow councilmember Pat Hume in his non-partisan race for Supervisor is based on a friendship of nearly 15 years. I proudly stand by it.

Singh-Allen was elected to her first two-year term in 2020 and is expected to win re-election this November, given her substantial campaign funding. Additionally, she has only one declared opponent to date, 2020 mayoral candidate Brian Pastor who has limited name recognition and financial resources. 

District 1 representative Suen is not on this year's ballot, so if he loses delegate status, it will have limited short-term political ramifications. Below is Suen's response regarding his endorsement of Hume's candidacy:

"These partisan politics have no place in legally nonpartisan races as it seeks to divide neighbors. I based my decision on a long-standing personal and working relationship of which I know Pat to be a person of integrity and an experienced leader who cares about our city. I have served with Pat for nearly eight years, known him for 16 years, and our families have had a long history. Together, we have served side by side on committees and [city] council to approve affordable housing, economic development, and transportation projects (including advocacy for light rail extension to Elk Grove). Party affiliation may be one consideration, but it shouldn’t be the only factor in our support of candidates. I have Democratic values and always have the best interest of Elk Grovians in mind. For a nonpartisan seat, my endorsement is consistent with the latter."

However, the request could be problematic For District 4 representative Nguyen who is in a pitched battle with fellow Democrat Sacramento City Councilmember Eric Guerra for the District 10 California Assembly open seat.   

Below is Singh-Allen's endorsement of Hume upon his June 2021 candidacy declaration.    

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Pat Hume Endorsement Statement from Elk Grove Mayor Bobbie Singh Allen

If there is anything that the pandemic has reminded me and likely many of us, is the value of family and true friendships.

I have made my decision to support Councilmember Pat Hume for the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors race. This has been a decision made because of mutual trust and a valued friendship. He has stood by me during my political journey and I proudly stand next to him.

I first met Pat 15 years ago when he was running for Elk Grove City Council. I did not vote for him. I supported the incumbent, who was a friend and from my point of view was doing a good job.

Shortly after defeating the incumbent, I reached out to Pat to get to know him and his vision for Elk Grove. Rather than shun me as a political adversary, he reciprocated the olive branch. A friendship was forged. 

Pat had been a brilliant Planning Commissioner, he has been a leader in our City Council. He understands complex planning, transportation issues, job growth, housing, and public safety issues. He is present and visible in our community and not just on election season. He doesn’t see party labels that divide people but a burning desire to always engage in conversation that will lead to tangible solutions for the betterment of our community and our families.

My endorsement of Pat is my desire to not just support a long, trusted friend, but a conviction that putting community above politics is a tradition worth continuing.


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Renegade said...

Well stated response.

Notwithstanding, Mrs. Sign-Allen is in clear violation of the rules established and agreed to by the parties. Their party, they can make up their rules.

Spoons and Forks said...

Darren writes "These partisan politics have no place in legally nonpartisan races as it seeks to divide neighbors".

What fantasy land has he been living in the last 7 or 8 years?! Thanks to 45 and his people like Pat Hume, we are more divided. Grow up Darren!

White Hat said...

The division was caused by Obama and continues with people like Amar Shergill. Amar Shergill is what's wrong with the Democratic party. I have no clue what Spoons and Forks is babbling about, I've never seen Pat Hume try to divide anyone, he tries to bring people together.

Spoons and Forks said...

Glad to see white hat upped their game. At least they didn't blame it on Hillary!

Renegade said...

Hat: Please enlighten me of how Obama divided this country (please don't use skin color as a factor). He had a Republican Congress most of his terms that fought his policies at every opportunity.

45 was brutal in dividing this country, anyone watching the Jan 6 hearings?

Hume, while intelligent, knowledgeable, well-spoken and generally responsive to his constituents, has never once stood up to contradict ANYTHING 45 stood for or espoused while he was in office or the campaign trail. That is scary and perhaps a problem for someone seeking higher political office in today's political climate. I guess we'll see how the voters feel about in in Nov.

But we're getting off point here. The point of the article was to inform the locals that the Democratic EG councilmembers were being removed from a political group for violating the group's bylaws.

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