Perennial political influencers make big contributions to Elk Grove City Council candidate

One of the five candidates running for the two open seats on the Elk Grove City Council reported substantial campaign donations from perennial patrons.

Donations filed with the Elk Grove City Council Clerk show District 4 candidate Sergio Robles recently received $10,800. Two of the donations are among the most influential contributors to Elk Grove politics. 

The donations are as follows:
  • Laborers Local 185 - $1,000
  • Angelo K. Tsakopoulos and Affiliated Companies - $4,900
  • Sofia L. Tsakopoulus Investments - $4,900
Robles, an Elk Grove Planning Commissioner, is one of two candidates seeking to replace Stephanie Nguyen, who is running the California State Assembly District 10. The other candidate for the open seat is Giezi Bermudez, a work associate of Nguyen.

On his last financial disclosure, Robles reported contributions of $4,280 for six months ending June 30.    
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Atticus Finch said...

In other words, business as usual in this concrete jungle, stop light heavy "vacation destination" jewel we like to call Elk Grove. I'll go out on a strong limb here and predict Robot Robles will win easily. All hail to group think and sheep like mentality!

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