District 2 Elk Grove City Council candidate launches anti-supportive housing website

Felipe Martin. |
With controversy already stirred on a proposed supportive housing development in Elk Grove's Old Town Special Planning Area, one candidate for the Elk Grove City Council has leveraged the issue for their campaign.

That candidate is Felipe Martin, who launched the website notooakrose.com, the name of the apartment development on Elk Grove Blvd. That proposed project will offer permanent supportive housing and social services to unhoused individuals.

Since the project surfaced, it has generated substantial opposition from Old Town business owners and nearby residents. As a result, the Elk Grove Planning Commission unanimously denied approval.

Seizing on the issue, Martin posted the following statement on social media:

The Elk Grove Planning Commission voted 5-0 against the Oak Rose Apartments being proposed in Elk Grove next to the New Elk Grove Library. This Oak Rose Apartment project will be presented to the Elk Grove City Council at a future date not yet determined. Get involved and have your voice heard. Ask yourself if this particular location is the best location for the unhoused population. I am sympathetic to the needs of the less fortunate but want to make sure we plan the construction of this facility in a location that is well suited for its residents. I believe it’s necessary to provide temporary shelter and services to get the unhoused population on their feet and off the street. Let your voice be heard. Visit www.notooakrose.com

Like many, Martin says he is sympathetic to the plight of the unhoused population. However, that compassion is qualified based on the location of any facility to help individuals.

 This year the District 2 seat will be open with current officeholder Pat Hume running for District 5 of the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors. The other declared candidate seeking to replace Hume, Consumnes Community Services District Director Rod Brewer, has not publicly commented on the controversy.

Addressing Elk Grove's expanding homelessness population and this project will be top District 2 and Mayoral election topics this year. Like District 2 candidates, Elk Grove Mayor Bobbie Singh-Allen and other candidates will be confronted by voters on this project and the broader issue of homelessness.

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Renegade said...

Typical politician. He'll be a MIMBY until elected, then the developer's best friend once in office.
Also, typically, he's a man supporting the MIMBYs but NOT offering ANYTHING in the form of a solution to the problem. Our leaders need to provide solutions to these problems not just deny their existence.

Can any candidate think outside the box, use some innovative, constructive ideas for solve our problems?

I think this site is a good one to help our homeless. Near shopping, drug stores, bus lines, central to our downtown hub. Near the library, where they can seek assistance in job search and self-betterment. It's within walking distance to the EG Food Bank. Many stores in this area are looking for workers, let's see if we can have these people fill that need.
Yes, there will be some problems, but if the facility is monitored and parameters are followed it can be manageable.

Another city council member that doesn't seek solutions is the last thing EG needs.

Randy Bekker said...

Renegade, only if they follow the OTSPA in its entirety. Otherwise a better location with no restrictions would make a better project.

Capt. Benjamin Willard said...

It is a fair point, Mr. Bekker, regarding the OTSPA.

However, it is worth remembering that the OTSPA is not like Moses bringing tablets down from Mount Sinai. If anything has been consistent in Elk Grove, the city is willing to alter the general plan when it meets their needs, or more typically, the needs of their political patrons.

To your point, the City Council will probably use the OTSPA to justify denial, even if they are minor variations. But, conversely, would our city council members use the same justification for refusing high-end loft-style apartments developed by one of their patrons who didn't follow the OTSPA?

It's an academic discussion, but my bet is they would bend the OTSPA for something that would benefit a patron and fall all over themselves with their justifications. That's how they roll.

Renegade said...

Mr. Brewer's lack of comment on this hotly contested plan certainly doesn't bode well for his campaign either.
If he wants to be a leader he needs to show voters that he can think on his feet, show some initiative and come up with a solution. If not on this parcel, then where?

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