Critic blasts Elk Grove Mayor Bobbie Singh-Allen over handling of Hmong-American Day

Elk Grove Mayor Singh-Allen was pointedly criticized during the Elk Grove City Council meeting by Ms. Marie Vu. | 

During the Wednesday, May 10 Elk Grove City Council meeting, Mayor Bobbie Singh-Allen was blasted for her handling of a proclamation honoring Hmong American Day.

Before the proclamation presentation, Ms. Marie Vu harshly criticized how Singh-Allen handled the request. Vu, who is of Hmong descent, has criticized Singh-Allen for her relations with the Hmong-American community.

In her recently published opinion piece, Vu outlined how Singh-Allen attempted to sidestep honoring the annual May 14 celebration. Discontent from the Hmong community started when she ran against former Elk Grove Mayor Steve Ly, who is of Hmong descent.

Read about the ongoing friction between Singh-Allen and the Hmong community here. Even though Singh-Allen called former Mayor Ly a misogynist and criticized the Hmong patriarchy, she has steadfastly claimed no animosity toward the Hmong culture. 

Vu's full commentary can be viewed in the video.

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