In The Spotlight - Sacramento County's top elected law enforcement officials gain national attention

In the last couple of days, Sacramento has gained national exposure. Unfortunately for the chamber of commerce types, the spotlight has not cast the city and region in the most favorable light.

Sacramento County's top two elected law enforcement officials have gained national exposure on issues not only confronting the region but California as well. 

Over the weekend, first-term Sacramento County Sheriff Jim Cooper made a splash by calling out mass retailer Target for not cooperating in a crackdown on retail shoplifting. Cooper went to X and called out the Minneapolis-based retailer Target for not cooperating in an in-store operation.

Cooper also aimed at the California Retailer Association while praising the cooperation of Safeway grocery stores.  

All of this local publicity about Cooper's rails against retailers has not gone unnoticed. Today, the New York Post had a story on Cooper's criticisms

Interestingly, today, Sacramento County's other top-elected law enforcement officer, Sacramento County District Attorney Thien Ho, also in his first term, was interviewed on public radio station WBUR's Here and Now program, which is nationally distributed on National Public Radio (watch video for Ho's interview). Ho discussed his controversial lawsuit against the city of Sacramento for what the district attorney has said is their failure to address the fast-growing homeless population. 

How much this national exposure will go to solve homelessness in the Sacramento region, much less the catalysts for the situation and the rash of statewide retail theft, remains to be seen. With several critical local elections in Sacramento, most notably the selection of a new mayor, Cooper, and Ho have started framing significant regional and statewide issues in 2024.  

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Atticus Finch said...

Unfortunately for the community and tax payers at large, this story hasn't changed much over the years, save for the characters (insert current elected officials). These paid civil servants aren't actually interested in problem solving or improving our quality of life. They're interested in publicity - generated by social media, press releases, tv appearances, etc., - campaigning and fundraising, all which helps to keep them in office for as long as possible. If we didn't have crime and homelessness, what would these officials talk about or campaign on? How could they point fingers and blame others? Solving social problems like crime and homelessness is not good for politicians.

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