Roadside trash accumulating at future site of Elk Grove's supportive housing project
Earlier this year, the city of Elk Grove reached an agreement that cost taxpayers over $10 million, with the meter still running, to move an affordable supportive housing project out of Old Town-Historic Downtown Elk Grove. Even though there is no evidence of site improvement at the new location, one activity is evident on the Elk Grove-Florin Road site - the accumulation of roadside trash.
A visit to the site on the city's northside shows no evidence of site improvements, such as utility installation, having commenced. However, litter is now accumulating (see video below).
The two-and-a-half-acre parcel is the site of the supportive 81-unit affordable Coral Blossom apartment complex. Even though Elk Grove Mayor Bobbie Singh-Allen and Long Beach, Calif.-based Excelerate Housing Group, the developer of the Old Town Oak Rose project, reached their multi-million dollar agreement, the city has not announced any developments regarding a fair housing lawsuit filed against the city by the State of California.
Neither Mayor Singh-Allen nor the Coral Blossomer developers have announced when site improvement will commence.
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