And the Winner of Whose Voice Is This...

March 29, 2015 | We are pleased to announce a winner for our Whose Voice Is This  contest we ran starting last Sunday. There were...

March 29, 2015 |

We are pleased to announce a winner for our Whose Voice Is This contest we ran starting last Sunday.

There were 17 entries and 11 contestants correctly identified the voice recorded. Our winner by a random drawing is Gladys Apolinar of Elk Grove.
Elk Grove's king of billboards, fast
food and gas, Gil Moore. 

Ms. Apolinar correctly identified the voice as that of Elk Grove's very own fast food and gas impresario, Gil Moore. The "happy family comments" made by Moore were at the Elk Grove Planning Commission meeting on Thursday, March 21, when the design for his Sheldon Centre billboard was approved.

For her efforts, Apolinar won a $5 gift certificate to Elk Grove's only locally based coffee roaster, Grace Coffee Roasters

We will be having another opportunity to win a valuable gift certificate to a local business in the next few days, so check back for our next contest. 

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