Opinion - Time For Bera To Repair Fractures

Group Submission | March 16, 2016 |

The growing Democratic opposition to Congressman Bera is led by local Veterans, Progressive Democrats, Arab-Americans and Latino-Americans from every corner of the Sacramento region and beyond.  Although we stand in support of our union brothers and sisters, this has never been exclusively a labor issue.

Congressman Bera has voted against immigrants, against refugees, to remove labels from foreign meat, to condemn President Obama, to reduce food stamps for the poor, and, of course, to send jobs overseas via the TPP free trade agreement.  His key votes have more in common with Congressman Tom McClintock than any Democratic congressional representative.  We have grave concerns that he will continue his hard right-wing voting pattern unless he is pressured to reconsider.

There are those that disagree with Congressman Bera’s votes but, instead of acting on this disagreement, meekly state that he is still better than a Republican.  We are neither meek nor willing to abandon our principles at the mere threat of a Republican election win that is still eight months away.  Instead, we have made our opposition clear while we also keep our doors wide open for Congressman Bera to return to the values that he once claimed to support. 

We continue to hold out hope that he can be convinced to support American families and progressive values if he understands that failing to do so will cost him the votes of the very Democrats that made his election possible.  All of our actions thus far should make clear that he is in danger of losing our support and that we are no longer interested in platitudes or vague promises.

The Democratic establishment has starved this district of the oxygen that might have supported a challenger to Congressman Bera and even rescued his endorsement at the recent state party convention.  However, the same night of the endorsement vote, the statewide Progressive Caucus and Arab American Caucus passed a censure vote as an admonishment of Congressman Bera’s hard right wing voting record. 

It is time to recognize that there is a serious fracture within the local Democratic party that only Congressman Bera can repair.  If he takes this opportunity for thoughtful conversations with his former supporters and is open to real change, there is still sufficient time to come together and win this election for the Democratic party.


Carlos Alcala, CDP Delegate, Chair of the CDP Chicano Latino Caucus
Mike Thaller, CDP Delegate, Chair of the CDP Progressive Caucus
Moe Sarama, CDP Delegate, Chair of the CDP Arab-American Caucus
Miguel Cordova, CDP Delegate, President Sacramento Latino Democratic Club
Karen Bernal, CDP Delegate, Former Chair of the CDP Progressive Caucus
Ric Barreto, CDP Delegate, President of the John F. Kennedy Democratic Club
Cres Vellucci, President of the Veterans Democratic Club of Sacramento County
Gary N. Blenner, President of the Town and Country Democratic Club
Debra Ladwig, CDP Delegate, President California School Employees Association Chapter 77
Robert Longer, CDP Delegate, Political Director for the Communication Workers of America
Amar Singh Shergill, CDP Delegate Assembly District 9

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Anonymous said...

You're starting to sound like the Republican debates and you know where that is getting the party. Have to do a better selling job than this article to get me to abandon Congressman Bera.

Anonymous said...

I have been following Bera via govtrack.us (https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members/ami_bera/412512#) for quite a while - with significant disappointment. I have called his office a few time to object to particular votes. As you can see if you go to the above link and scroll down, Bera votes VERY much to the right, in general.

If he had a primary challenger, I would probably vote for that person. In the meantime, a rightwing Democrat, sadly, is better than a Repuglican.

So, so disappointed in Bera. He does NOT represent me.

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