Wording Will Matter if Elk Grove City Council Seeks a Sales Tax Increase

March 21, 2016 |

If the Elk Grove City Council decides to seek voters approval this November for a sales tax increase, the wording of the initiative will dictate what sort of majority is needed.

During their March 9 meeting and in an email correspondence to EGN, Elk Grove City Councilman Pat Hume correctly pointed out, the wording will matter. Previously, it was reported that any sales tax increase would require a 66-percent majority.

While a 66-percent threshold may be required, that would be if the sales tax increase on a ballot is for specific purposes. Conversely, as Hume pointed out in the video posted below, if a sales tax increase is for general purposes, a simple majority is sufficient for approval.

In comments from the dais on January 13 regarding a possible sales tax increase (see second video below) to help prop-up city tax revenues, Mayor Gary Davis referenced other nearby municipalities, including Rancho Cordova, as a justification for hikes. In 2014, a simple majority of voters in that city approved Measure H which increased sales taxes by 1/2 cent for general purposes. 

So as the Elk Grove City Council moves forward in their contemplation of a sales tax increase, how this revenue will be used will be the determining factor of what type of majority is needed for approval. 

Thanks to Councilman Hume for clarifying this matter for Elk Grove voters. 

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Connie said...

There is a saying, “When it comes to taxes, there are many cowards and few champions.” That is especially true at the Elk Grove City Council level. The loudest “cowards” will be those up for reelection, because they want to be seen as the heroes to feed their insatiable egos.

However, it is interesting to note that those same “cowards” also voted to go forward on the Council’s projects, knowing full well there was no money – but voted for the pricey consultants nonetheless.

The city of Elk Grove had tens of millions in reserves; but after 16 years, the money is all gone. Now there is no money to cover everything, and there's a constant clamor for additional monies, even borrowing from other funds.

Sales tax increases are now the preferred method for raising funds and there will be several on the ballot come November 2016.

However, the “champions” of a sales tax increase will need to sell the increase to a very suspicious electorate. The needs must be shown clearly so voters know where money will be spent — and it must be monitored.

Election time is coming. Based upon present politics, there should be no doubt which should come first — the needs of the politicians or the needs of the community!

Anonymous said...

No New Taxes! I'll buy all my stuff on EBay or Amazon instead to save the 1% city load.

Where did the reserves go?

Is this city going to become Stockton NORTH or Vallejo East?

Mellow Rooser said...

The feces will hit the fan once the residents discover that the most of their Mello Roos assessments are uncapped and unlike Prop 13, will be raised as inflation and service costs go up, potentially every year! They are not tax deductible and savvy buyers will compare tax rates in various areas when they shop for a home. So if you think your retirement nest egg is golden, then vote yes on the sales tax and let Davis make your "neighborhood stronger".

Anonymous said...

What is the advantage of living in Elk Grove? No thing!
What are the disadvantages of living in Elk grove? Many:
- High Tax
- Expensive water bill
- Traffic to work
- Expensive Internet because no competition

If the city increate tax, should we consider move out of Elk Grove?-Yes

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