Letter to the Editor; Elk Grove City Council - Do Not Amend Municipal Code for AT&T

March 5, 2018 | 


AT&T and Cingular Wireless have filed an application with the City of Elk Grove Planning Department, application EG-18-006, to amend the Municipal Code, Title 23, Chapter 94, Wireless Communication Facilities. The purpose is “to specifically define, address and ease the installation of small cell (sic) communication facilities within public rights-of-way.” In other words to make it easier for the telecommunication companies to install cell antennas on light poles and utility poles - just a few steps away from homes and places of business in Elk Grove.

There is already very good cell phone coverage and no significant gaps in coverage in Elk Grove.

Elk Grove was among 325 cities that opposed SB649 last year, a bill that would have turned over local government control of light poles and utility poles on public property to private corporations to install cell antennas. The Legislature passed SB649 but Governor Brown vetoed it on October 15, 2017. That veto preserved local government self-determination and prevented a public health crisis.

This proposed amendment would bring SB649 to the City of Elk Grove. It would remove the Planning Commission, Planning Department, City Council and Elk Grove residents from decisions about applications for cell antenna installations. There would be only “streamlined administrative review through Public Works.” Translation: no public process. Decisions would be made with no input by local residents.

Cell antennas produce powerful and hazardous electromagnetic fields (EMF) that penetrate homes and bodies. Thousands of scientific studies have shown that long term exposure to non-ionizing EMF causes a variety of health impacts including insomnia, tinnitus, heart palpitations, dizziness, difficulty concentrating, impairment of the immune system, genetic damages, learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders and structural and functional changes of the reproductive system. We do not want this for ourselves and children!

For example the International EMF Scientist Appeal, dated May 11, 2015. www.EMFscientist.org

The City should not hand over control over decisions of this type to a private corporation.

AT&T had revenues of $163 billion in 2016 and has no loyalty to the United States, any other country, Elk Grove or any of its residents. The City of Elk Grove has a responsibility to protect the quality of life and health of its residents.

Planning Commission, Mayor and Council, please do not amend the Municipal Code for AT&T.

Mark Graham
Elk Grove, California

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D.J. Blutarsky said...

Uh hello...We have EMFs being generated by our electric meters, gas meters, water meters, WiFi routers, cell phones, and the sun! Short of wearing a tin foil cap and wearing a lead rai!coat, I think the atomic bunnie has already been let out of the hutch.

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