Elk Grove News Podcasts - Discussion with Elk Grove Mayor-elect Bobbie Singh Allen

Elk Grove Mayor-elect Bobbie Singh-Allen. | 

This year Elk Grove voters directly elected the first Sikh-American woman mayor in the country, Bobbie Singh-Allen. A trustee on the Elk Grove Unified School District since 2012, Singh-Allen will be sworn in as Elk Grove Mayor on Wednesday, December 9, becoming only the third woman to serve on the Elk Grove city council and the first as directly elected mayor.

In this edition of Elk Grove News Podcasts, Mayor-Elect Singh Allen discusses some of the responsibilities of being mayor and plans to deal with the COVID19 pandemic as she prepares for her new position.

This interview was recorded via Skype and we apologize for the static and other noise interference during this remote recording. Be assured Mayor-Elect Singh-Allen’s comments are audible.

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