Will the District 2 Elk Grove City Council race cast Mayor Bobbie Singh-Allen's aura of omnipotence to the wind?

How well known are local elected officials and do they exert any political influence on other races? | 

By D.A. Gougherty | 

In a conversation several years ago, former Elk Grove Mayor Steve Ly willingly acknowledged what people who follow local politics know - most Elk Grove residents do not know their local elected officials.  

Indeed, former Elk Grove City Councilmember Steve Detrick related a similar story. Detrick said that as he was leaving a restaurant when a resident greeted him and wished him good luck on his mayoral bid - Steve Ly was a mayoral candidate at the time.  

Elk Grove Mayor Bobbie Singh-Allen has manufactured what appears to be a highly-visible presence in Elk Grove and, as an incumbent free of any significant scandal, is likely to win reelection against challenger Brian Pastor. Beyond her own reelection, how influential Singh-Allen is will be tested this election cycle.


That test will be in the District 2 Elk Grove City Council race that pits longtime Singh-Allen friend and ally Cosumnes Community Services District Director Rod Brewer against business owner Felipe Martin. While Singh-Allen's support of Brewer is of some significance, Martin comes to the race with his bevy of supporters. 

Martin has the support of Elk Grove City Councilmembers Stephanie Nguyen and Darren Suen, as well as California Assemblymember and Sacramento County Sheriff-elect Jim Cooper. These endorsements are bound to be touted in an effort to bolster Martin's recognition. 

Singh-Allen has also thrown her support to District 4 Elk Grove City Council candidate and Elk Grove Planning Commissioner Sergio Robles, who is running against Giezi Bermudez. The District 4 race favors Robles at this point because Bermudez entered the race late, so should he prevail, Singh-Allen's influence will be minimal.

The District 2 race, it should be noted, has a third candidate, Michelle Kile. While Kile doesn't have the financial resources of her opponents, she will be more influential in the outcome than Singh-Allen and still has a chance to win.

There is, however, one recent election where Singh-Allen can find solace. Ironically, that would be her political enemy Steve Ly's 2018 reelection.

In 2018 Ly was challenged in his first mayoral reelection campaign by Suen, who, like Martin, racked up significant endorsements. Among Suen's mayoral campaign supporters were Cooper, Nguyen, Suen, Detrick, Elk Grove City Councilmember Pat Hume, and several other elected officials.

Even though Ly was cast aside by most elected officials, he easily won reelection to what would be his second and final two-year term. So even though Brewer does not have the support of local elected officials, like Ly, a former Brewer ally coincidentally, he could easily overcome that impediment. 

In the end, Singh-Allen can take a victory lap if Brewer wins. However, if Kile or Martin succeeds, Singh-Allen's aura of omnipotence will be cast to the wind.  

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Randy Bekker said...

You can always tell when it is election season as the barbed wire is strung unnecessarily at times. I guess maybe some may wish to have the past in the drivers seat to have turmoil at the council meetings instead of manufacturing discontent. The 3 candidates in District 2 can be broke down pretty simple without bringing in drama. Martin seems to be trying to buy his way to a seat and that highly concerns me as if he would be able to represent the District due to conflict of interest. Not surprised he draws a few elected or former elected as supporters but really who is he as voters don’t know him or of him and really the common voter shy’s away from those trying to buy there way to a seat.
Kile being very like able but not known doesn’t have much of a following and would do better starting out to serve on boards, commissions to get name recognition.
Brewer seems to be the best all around choice for voters given his background in the community serving on CCSD, other boards being present and serving the community. Having support from Unions, Fire, Police and the community speaks volumes. Not to mention his support by other political and political party clubs. In closing it is about the best candidate being voted in the replace Hume not that it is any type of test. Given the 3 candidates Brewer seems the best candidate for voters to choose. Put the barb wire away as it’s not needed.

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