No Plea Entered At Leary's Arraignment

Updated 10:30 PM Former Elk Grove City Council member Mike Leary did not enter a plea at this morning's arraignment at the Sacramento Su...

Updated 10:30 PM

Former Elk Grove City Council member Mike Leary did not enter a plea at this morning's arraignment at the Sacramento Superior Court.

Leary has been charged with four felony counts for allegedly trying to bilk his former girlfriend out of her ownership of a house the two purchased jointly. Leary, a lieutenant with the Sacramento County Sheriff's Department, is on paid administrative leave.

Judge Gary E. Ransom granted a defense motion to continue that matter until November 12.

Defense shows possible strategy - discredit victim

Although the hearing was brief, Leary's counsel, William J. Portanova, seemingly laid out what could be his defense strategy - discredit Leary's former girlfriend and alleged victim, Alyc Maselli.

Portanova noted Leary's lengthy experience with the sheriff's department and said that Maselli "has history of [making] false acusations."

In deliberations regarding possible restraining orders for both Leary and Maselli, Portanova claimed that Maselli has been stalking Leary.

"Mr. Leary is not a threat," Portanova said. "She [Maselli] is a threat."

Although Ransom did not issue restraining orders on either party, he instructed both Leary and Maselli not to be in contact with one another. Maselli was not at the hearing.

Interestingly, the hearing started early, at aproximately 10:05 but was scheduled for 10:30. KCRA and News 10 film crews who came to the hearing were unable to record the proceedings because of the early start.

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