New Feature For EGN Readers
Regular reader will notice a new feature on EGN. In our left column, we have added links to Elk Grove’s e-Tran bus service routes. We have...
Regular reader will notice a new feature on EGN.
In our left column, we have added links to Elk Grove’s e-Tran bus service routes. We have categorized then as special routes, Sacramento commuter routes and local routes.
We will update information as route changes are made. We hope our readers find this feature useful.
In our left column, we have added links to Elk Grove’s e-Tran bus service routes. We have categorized then as special routes, Sacramento commuter routes and local routes.
We will update information as route changes are made. We hope our readers find this feature useful.
These are great. One suggestion -- can they pop up in a new window/tab?
I hope that more people think of how to get around on the bus first before automatically getting into their cars...although I know how hard that is when gas is so cheap.
This will change with sustained $4 gasoline. I that China today has as many cars per capita as we did in 1917 and primed to grow exponentially, demand for oil should raise prices IMO. Two billion others want 2.3 cars per household like our Elk Grove.
$4 or $5 gas along with $43,000 electric cars should be a boon for e-Tran. This will be a good thing in my opinion. More of our neighbors on the bus, more interaction, more socializing, less congestion and less localized pollution. Less commuter stress and high blood pressure, lower insurance premiums and accidents, and better fitness as we [god forbid] walk! to and from the stop.
And an increase in bus services! Wa-hey! Increased demand begets more routes, stops, and bus frequency. The city council will not dare cut routes when demand is strong. Think what will come of increased e-Tran funding in lieu of a $500 spending spree when you buy a new car or other such consumerist gimmicks. More payroll taxes paid to the city by more e-Tran employees.
I am personally looking forward to a high cost energy future for exactly these sorts of benefits. Low density sprawl of the Elk Grovian sort is predicated on cheap gasoline and if it ever becomes more expensive, even marginally so, our residents will finally understand the stupidity of our city's planning and will demand alternatives both to transportation and how we grow in the future. Medium density, transit oriented development will result. We will fight to change our planning ordinances and zoning laws and we will win.
We will only get light rail with $5 gasoline and not a nickel sooner, and the day Elk Grovian light rail is christened, ridership will be off the charts. Today we can't even get light rail to Consumes college, let alone Elk Grove. $5gas would change that overnight..and we will all be better for it.
Thanks for reading EGN.
Links now open in a new window.
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