Davies Ononiwu Candidate Statement: Elk Grove City Council District 2

Dear Elk Grove: I committed to the city of Elk Grove long before I filed my candidacy in August. And, if elected on November 2, 2010, t...

Dear Elk Grove:

I committed to the city of Elk Grove long before I filed my candidacy in August. And, if elected on November 2, 2010, to The People’s Seat, I pledge to work hard for working families and to be a major player in creating jobs and fostering economic stability and dependability in and around our area.

I will fight for every working citizen and those that receive the benefits of their labor. I will fight hard to recover the Elk Grove Economy for the hard-hit business community, as well. I will help to restructure an economy where businesses will gain back their confidence and will once again offer jobs with job security—where workers can count on more than just a salary, but a salary that is stable and sustainable with fair wages, wage protection and benefits that protect not only the workers but their families.

I will fight for police officers, teachers and firefighters (even those entities that are not under the city councils jurisdiction), because they are citizens, too, who are out there consistently educating and protecting our children, our lives and our livelihoods. I will fight for nurses and all healthcare professionals who take care of us when we are faced with a crisis of our well-being, but most important of all, not only do I intend to fight; I intend to deliver on the statements and promises I make.

I serve as Commissioner/Advisory Board member on the Sacramento Regional Human Rights and Fair Housing Commission; working hard to ensure that everyone is treated fairly and is protected under the law. As one of your current Associate Director’s of the Florin—Resource Conservation District—Elk Grove Water Board, the Board and I worked hard at ensuring that we could accomplish our goal of eliminating the 3 percent increase in rates for the homes serviced by the district. Part of our long-range plan was to ensure that there was a process in place to install water meters on every home under the Boards purview. Each rate payer will know exactly what they are being billed for and, they will not be assessed a bill reflecting usage that they did not used. We are working to eliminate the two-tier system; these are major achievements—ones that the citizen’s will benefit from and not be burdened with. I am proud to work on behalf of the citizen’s.

I am a former Elk Grove Water Board Citizens’ Advisory Committee Member; I served on the Elk Grove/Laguna Neighborhood Accountability Board, helping to rehabilitate and refocus troubled youth towards a positive goal. I was a Youth Mentor with the Elk Grove Rotary Club, Mentoring Program—I remain a Rotarian and I am honored to be distinguished as a Paul Harris Fellow.

I am a small businessman and I hold a BBA degree and an MS degree. I am a graduate of the Santa Clara Valley Leadership Program and the Great Valley Institute—IDEAL Leadership Program.

I am a graduate member of the first Elk Grove Police Department’s Citizens’ Academy and a Pilot.

In closing I leave you with this: Elk Grove is a General Law City. Every voting citizen has two opportunities to vote by voting in both Districts 2 and District 4. Go to the polls, educated, informed and ready to make the decisions that will impact you and your community’s future. I appreciate the opportunity to address you and I also value and appreciate your support.

Vote Davies Ononiwu for Elk Grove City Council, District 2 on November 2, 2010.

You can reach me by emailing: davieso@onitech.net 

The two other candidates for District 2, Pat Hume and George Murphey, did not submit statements. Statements from District 4 candidates Gary Davis and Jimmie Johnson will appear Tuesday and Wednesday respectively. 

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