Mailer of the day - Gary Davis
Yesterday a mailer arrived from Elk Grove City Council Member Gary Davis who is running for reelection for the city's District 4 seat. ...
Yesterday a mailer arrived from Elk Grove City Council Member Gary Davis who is running for reelection for the city's District 4 seat.
While Davis' theme in all his mailers has been to convey a positive message with no negative references to his opponents, today's piece added another layer.
On top of his message of building for the future and bringing more transparency to Elk Grove city government, Davis made a loud proclamation that read - Democrat: Gary Davis.
Tip of the hat to Davis for a number of reasons. Anytime a politician proudly proclaims his affiliation with his party, particularly when they are under intense pressure, is a sign of courage. Compare that to Republican Elk Grove City Council Member Pat Hume who has attempted to mislead voters on his party affiliation in a recent mailer.
Davis is also to be commended for following though with his pledge to run a positive campaign. Unlike his main opponent Jimmie Johnson, Davis has respected his opponent and has made no disparaging remarks about him.
While Davis' theme in all his mailers has been to convey a positive message with no negative references to his opponents, today's piece added another layer.
On top of his message of building for the future and bringing more transparency to Elk Grove city government, Davis made a loud proclamation that read - Democrat: Gary Davis.
Tip of the hat to Davis for a number of reasons. Anytime a politician proudly proclaims his affiliation with his party, particularly when they are under intense pressure, is a sign of courage. Compare that to Republican Elk Grove City Council Member Pat Hume who has attempted to mislead voters on his party affiliation in a recent mailer.
Davis is also to be commended for following though with his pledge to run a positive campaign. Unlike his main opponent Jimmie Johnson, Davis has respected his opponent and has made no disparaging remarks about him.
Our rating:
Let's see I am seeing a trend here. Republican Mailer Bad: Democrat Mailer Good.
Well, James, now that your Republican friend Pat Hume is on the Democratic slate mailer trying to pass himself off as a Dem, maybe you are thinking twice that you should have done the same thing.
Which one of you is Sarah Palin in drag? Tea anyone?
As usual James the finer point escapes you.
Your guy in the race, Pat Hume, is blatantly deceptive in his advertising. He's proud to rub elbows with fellow well-placed GOPer's like Dan Lungren or Roger Neillo, but turns around and buys advertising on a Democratic mailer. What a liar!
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