Ka Yang's court appearance draws large audience of supporters

Suspected microwave murderer makes brief court appearance, family reveals suspect's pregnancy Choua Kue (r), mother of suspect cons...

Suspected microwave murderer makes brief court appearance, family reveals suspect's pregnancy

Choua Kue (r), mother of suspect consoled after today's hearing.
Although the court appearance of the suspected microwave murderer Ka Yang lasted less than five minutes earlier this morning, the hearing drew a bevy of media and family to Department 61 of the Sacramento Superior Court.

The June 21 arrest of the 29-year old Sacramento mother has drawn international attention after she allegedly killed her six week old daughter Mirabelle last March by placing the infant in a microwave oven.

Representing Yang is Sacramento criminal defense attorney Linda Parisi who asked for a continuance. No plea was entered and the request was granted with the next hearing scheduled for August 3.

Prior to the proceedings, several member of Yang’s family and dozens members of the local Hmong-American community (Yang is Hmong) crowded the hall outside the courtroom in the county jail in support of the suspect. Among them was Yang’s mother, Choua Kue of Banning, Calif.

Speaking through an interpreter, Kue said her daughter has a long documented medical history of epilepsy and revealed that her daughter is in her first trimester of pregnancy. Kue said her daughter has suffered from epilepsy since she was 15.

“My daughter has been sick for a long time,” Kue said through her interpreter. “I am hurting because they said she is not sick.”

Kue said that her daughter has suffered numerous seizures since her incarceration and expressed concern she is not getting adequate medical and prenatal attention. Kue said her daughter’s epilepsy requires a special diet and is worried her condition may worsen without proper care.

After the hearing Parisi stressed her client has numerous medical and psychological that need to be addressed.

“This is clearly a sad, sad case,” Parisi said. “There are a lot of circumstances around this case.”

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Unknown said...

It must be very hard to be a sacramento criminal defense attorney like this one. Sacramento is full of rough cases like this one. I'm not sure that I could do it.

Lub Nab said...
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Elk Grove News said...

Lub Nab: Thank you for reading Elk Grove News.

In the case of Ka Yang, the next hearing is set for October 26, 2012 in Dept. 61, Sacramento Superior Court. The hearing on June 21 in Dept. 61 that was to act as pre-trial hearing was continued. As far as we know. Ms. Parissi is still her court appointed attorney. No further information on MS. Yang has been made available.

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