Elk Grove Citizen Takes City Council, Hume to Task
During Wednesday night's Elk Grove City Council meeting, one Elk Grove citizen took the council to task over comments about one of the L...
During Wednesday night's Elk Grove City Council meeting, one Elk Grove citizen took the council to task over comments about one of the LAFCO commissioners who spoke out against the city's sphere of influence application.
Watch her comments as well as two others and Council Member Pat Hume's comments on the matter.
Watch her comments as well as two others and Council Member Pat Hume's comments on the matter.
One must applaud Ms. Carpenter, Mr. Owen and Ms. Wheat for standing truth to power. I hope they can spread their message about the SOI and how it will affect property values, crime rates and the overall squeeze it will put on the city.
As Ms. Gill said during her presentation on Wednesday, the city could cross the threshold between a balanced budget and dipping into reserves as early as fiscal year 2014. Will a bigger city demanding more graffiti abatement, more police services, more traffic and poorer air quality offset marginal increase in sales tax revenue?
Let's push the city leaders to be accountable to their hard-working tax-paying constituents and not the well-funded real estate developers and unions who seemingly run rough-shot on our city.
Hey Cap, what district do you live in? We could sure use a few good, and intelligent, men on the city council! Your posts consistently validate you have the right stuff.
Said it befor and I will say it again. " The council is bought and influenced by unions, developers,and the Connie and Linda's of the world.
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