Leatherby's Holds Grand Opening of Elk Grove Store

Elk Grove artist Derrell Fleener painted this mural for the Elk Grove Leatherby's. Although its now famous blue and white checker fa...

Elk Grove artist Derrell Fleener painted this mural for the Elk Grove Leatherby's.
Although its now famous blue and white checker facade has beckoned Elk Grove ice cream lovers to its store for several weeks now, the Leatherby's on the Laguna Blvd. held its official grand opening today.

The Sacramento-based family-owned ice cream maker and restaurant operator who opened earlier this spring hosted a grand opening celebration attended by numerous local dignitaries including U.S. Congressman Dan Lungren. Speaking before a large audience, Dave Leatherby Jr. recounted his family's business history and their excitement and anxiety of opening in Elk Grove.

"It was very scary to open an ice cream parlor during a recession," Leatherby said. "This was our first opening in 25 years."

Leartherby praised the stores 141 employees most of whom are young adults just entering the work force. "The qualities of these kids is amazing," he said.

In addition to complimenting his employees, Leatherby also noted how the City of Elk Grove helped facilitate the stores opening. "Whatever they could do to help, they did," he noted.

Among the local dignitaries at the opening were Elk Grove City Council members Gary Davis, Steve Detrick and Sophia Schermam. Elk Grove Economic Development Director Randy Starbuck offered a root beer float toast to the Leatherby family and the new store.

The grand opening also served as an unveiling of a mural
the Leatherby's commissioned by Elk Grove-based artist Derrell Fleener. The mural depicts a vision of Elk Grove around the turn of the 20th century.

Fleener said he consulted local historian Elizabeth Pinkerton for guidance and used Old Town Elk Grove as the setting. Naturally the mural has a couple of ice cream references placed in it.

One of the dignitaries who spoke was Congressman Dan Lungren who joked he was happy to see the familiar blue and white checkerboard making it easy to find. Lungren also complemented the Leatherby family and their creation of new jobs.

"This is Americana, this is Leatherby's and this is Elk Grove," he said.

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Anonymous said...

What a slap in the face to Old Town: To have Old Town pictured in their mural but choose to locate along suburbia strip center, USA. Too bad the City didn't spend more effort trying to locate them in Old Town than lifting root beer floats. This would have been just the shot in the arm Old Town needed.

Anonymous said...

Have another root beer toast!

"New call center could bring 2,000 jobs to Sacramento Share

By Dale Kasler
Published: Monday, Jun. 25, 2012 - 10:01 am
Last Modified: Monday, Jun. 25, 2012 - 12:22 pm

A major call center is opening in the Sacramento area next month, an economic development boost that could bring around 500 jobs by year's end.

The employer, Advanced Call Center Technologies LLC, said it could eventually hire up to 2,000 Sacramentans.

Today's announcement represents one of the biggest boosts to the beleaguered Sacramento job market since the start of the recession in 2007.

The company will open in the old Price Club warehouse on Watt Avenue, an 87,000 square foot facility north of Interstate 80, sometime in July.

The Sacramento location beat out four other cities being considered by Advanced - Kansas City, Kan.; Tallahassee, Fla.; Fond du Lac, Wis.; and Weldon Springs, Mo.

Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/2012/06/25/4587382/new-call-center-could-bring-2000.html#storylink=cpy

Capt. Benjamin L. Willard said...

Well at least some of those 500 jobs will go to Elk Grovians who will commute and spend their money in Sac or possibly move closer to the job center.

No disrespect to the Leatherby's, but it is funny how the City of Elk Grove somehow mistakes the opening of restaurants with entry level jobs as economic development.

Anonymous said...

Leatherby's in old town? Apparently you've not seen the crowds this business is bringing in. where in the h@ll would all those people park in old town? old town closes at 9pm at best...so what incentive would it be to locate a business in a dead zone? Lighten up and welcome this new business. 140 jobs for young adults provides an opportunity for young folks to learn rules; be on time; use skills they will need in a lifetime. Yes, you're correct, not high end jobs; but at least a great business to patronage; a job first job; and tax revenue.

Anonymous said...

With all dues respect, Old Town's across America are much different than the suburban strip centers that have driven them under. Downtown success is designed around a pleasant walking experience instead of pulling into a huge paved parking lot in front of a row of stores. More and more, chain stores provide easily recognizable products, and eventually, all towns begins to look alike.

The Old Town carpet does not necessarily need to roll up at 9 pm as you say. A few seed businesses can change this. If not, what on earth is the future niche for our Old Town? Nail salons, hairdressers, antiques, and a bar???

A few leaders and a few risk-takers with economic incentives from the City can change things. Just because the Governor killed redevelopment doesn't mean that our imagination needs to end. A community theater, a few more eating establishments open in the evening, an independent film house, kiosks serving unique products that don't compete with the shops, car shows, art festivals, a bike race or two, cultural celebrations, railroad park with water features...and the list of possibilities goes on! Leatherby's would have fit right in.

A tip to Starbuck and his root beer float...salute! :(

Anonymous said...

old town doesnt have a place like this ready to move with minimal construction. if there was, maybe they would have considered. plus traffic on laguna is 10x that of elk grove blvd. lets keep it psoitve people. leatherby's is a staple to communites that will last. not every employer has to be a top paying union job. or we would be buying a $15.00 scoop of ice cream. so lets enjoy.... i will..

Anonymous said...

Not sure why any business would consider Old Town - I once tried to sell advertising to businesses there and pretty much all of them said they had lost approx. 30% of their revenue following the work that was done there. Said businesses are out of business now.

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