The Séance Worked -
Lee Atwater Resurrected!
Lee Atwater Resurrected!
Never to late to atone From the looks of events emanating from the Elk Grove City Hall, someone or somebody has dusted off the Ouija bo...
Never to late to atone
From the looks of events emanating from the Elk Grove City Hall, someone or somebody has dusted off the Ouija board and conducted a séance and made contact with the ultimate boogie man himself. Or so it seemed at the special Wednesday night meeting at Elk Grove City Hall.
Atwater's protege Karl Rove used to technique on Hon. Sen. John McCain in the 2000 South Carolina Republican primary where "pollsters" called people and asked voters "Would you be more likely or less likely to vote for John McCain for president if you knew he had fathered an illegitimate black child?"
We all know how that ended for McCain. Well it was Lee Atwater who perfected this devious yet effective, method of molding public opinion; not to mention promulgating misinformation.
After sitting through the special workshop at city hall on Wednesday night to consider changes to sign ordinances, it was Lee Atwater and push polls that came to mind. As part of the meeting a live "poll," that should be the first clue, was conducted to gather information for the planning department to present to the city council.
Unfortunately, with the exception of one or two, the questions were all structured to get the results that the city wants. At one point a member of the audience pointedly expressed this very thought.
The "poll" questions can be viewed here.
And just for good measure, the project's applicant not-so-subtly packed family, employees, business associates and at least two representatives from McDonald's into the audience to help pad the already skewed poll questions. All is fair in love and war we suppose.
So as the city moves forward on what is seemingly a forgone conclusion to grant the zoning ordinance modification and open the floodgate to off-site billboards imploring people driving through Elk Grove to stop and gorge on a couple Big Mac's, gulp down a 44 oz. soda and scarf some sugar-laden "too much good stuff" and leave town as soon as they got here, there is hope that Atwater's spirit is still lurching around city council members offices.
Atwater, who died in 1991 at the age of 40, realized during his terminal illness the error of his ways and atoned for his self-identified sins. Let's hope that the push poll Atwater vacates city hall and the atoned Atwater spirit lingers long enough that the right thing on this matter gets done.
Thank you Dan, this is exactly the right description of what happened at the meeting. Brilliant!
For the Council meeting, maybe they can bring in the Amazing Kreskin and have him perform a mass hypnotism so everyone will support the signs.
"You are all getting sleepy....your eyelids are getting heavy...when I snap my fingers, you will all wake up and support freeway signs!
Agree! Thanks Dan for telling it like it is and it's all in black and white for any doubters.
Why is this being FAST-TRACKED through the process? It has taken months to revise the Food Truck rules, Bingo & Tatoo Parlor fell by the wayside for maybe different reasons, but much less hoopla and the list goes on and on! What has become of our cities reasoning? $$$
I can hear our city council guesses. Ms. Scherman, NO, Mr. Hume, YES, Mr. Detrick, YES, Mr. Davis, a long speal about how we need businesses, I understand you concerns, etc., etc., but I'll plant a climbing rose garden around the signs and they will be beautiful, YES,
Mr. Cooper, ?? Just my 2 cents and I feel better already.
After listening to the recording and viewing the slides, it seems that this "workshop" was nothing more than a dog and pony show for the benefit of our so-called transparency in local government.
Did they hoodwink the public - probably not. We are a bit smarter than they give us credit for.
Will Mr. Moore get his sign? If you look the cash he has given to the council members I am sure he is expecting and will get a great ROI.
Atwater referred to it as a “tumor of the soul.” It is such a shame an Elk Grove City Council member has been blinded by one developer’s money, cozying up to him and his money which will certainly be a detriment to our city.
What? Do we wait for the repent by the councilman in question who is championing Moore’s effort and puts up his sign that says, “I am sorry I denigrated the city of Elk Grove!”
That is what $20,000 will do for you! Can’t see to see what the next payoff is.
I can't wait to see how each one of them justifies their predetermined vote. I'm sure it will be based around economic development, and all of us are wrong.
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