Davis Outpaces Elk Grove Mayoral Opponents in Fundraising

For the period between Oct. 1 and 20, Elk Grove City Council Member Gary Davis continues to overwhelm his five opponents in fundraising in ...

For the period between Oct. 1 and 20, Elk Grove City Council Member Gary Davis continues to overwhelm his five opponents in fundraising in the race to become the city's first directly elected mayor.

According to disclosures filed with the Elk Grove City Clerk's office, for the the 20 day period ending last Saturday, Davis received $15,025 in cash contributions.

Candidates Sophia Scherman generated cash donations of $4,820, Jerry Braxmeyer received $150 and Greg Higley received $500. Lynn Wheat has voluntarily limited her campaign expenditures to less than $1,000 and will not accept donations so she is exempted from reporting. Lawanna Montgomery's report was not on the city clerk's website at the time of this post.

Davis' significant contributions included $500 from Teamsters Local 150, $2,000 from Homes PAC, $1,000 from Sacramento Builders Exchange and $1,000 each from self employed land developers Christo Bardis and John Reynen. Scherman received $1,500 from the Sacramento Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and $1,600 from American Sikh PAC.

Year-to-date Davis has generated $96,688 in cash donations while Scherman, who is a distant second to Davis in this category, generated cash donations of $14,769.

According to Elk Grove City Clerk Jason Lindgren, for the period starting Sunday, Oct. 21 through Monday, Nov. 5, the following reports are due to the Office of the City Clerk within 24 hours:

- Form 496 if independent expenditures of $1,000 or more are made;
- Form 497 if a contribution of $1,000 or more is received;
- Form 497 if a contribution of $1,000 or more is made to another candidate or another measure being voted on November 6 or made to a political party committee.

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Anonymous said...

Looking like the SOI is a shoo-in with at least 1/3 of these donations from home builders or related fields. I see lots and lots of new homes in the 8,000 more acres we cannot afford. What's up with Christo Bardis and John Reynen??? Didn't they declare bankruptcy and leave EG holding the bag on a substantial tax bill? Someone please refresh my memory...but I remember this was a lot of money...millions of dollars?? These are the kind of folks WE DON'T need to be associated with. Whatever happened to integrity and honesty..R & B are just whores to the almighty dollar without regards to who they hurt or trample in the process.

Anonymous said...

Why such an obsession with Gary Davis? They are other candidates that haven’t gotten any ink on this site.

And I don’t quite understand why all the vitriol towards Davis. Davis has been very cordial to Elk Grove News over the years. Well, that bridge is well burnt by now with no resurrection after the election with “That was just politics man!”

Whatever will EGN do after November 6th?

amused in fast food city said...



Anonymous said...

None of the other candidates have over 100,000 to throw around; the others do not bend over for developer and their money; and the others (except Sophia who is simply an "also ran") aren't using EG as a stepping stone to the Assembly. Davis is so transparent. He bails out of Natomas Schoo Board because he saw a political opening in EG..When he is done with us, he will mnove on without a thought or a look back. Davis has eloved over the past two years into something like a DC politican. I've voted for Gary in the past, but he has morphed into something unappealing.

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