Elk Grove To Install Wayfinding, Electronic Tourism Signs Citywide

At their regular meeting last night, the Elk Grove City Council decided in a split vote to spend $477,000 to install a series of citywi...

At their regular meeting last night, the Elk Grove City Council decided in a split vote to spend $477,000 to install a series of citywide signs meant to help develop the city's nascent desire to become a tourist destination.

The project will include 47 so-called wayfinding and 10 electronic dynamic message signs throughout the city. The  project will be phased in over the next two years.

After hearing the presentation by the no-bid vendor, Rick Engineering, the council heard objections to the plan from three Elk Grove residents. 

Noting the widespread use of smartphone, Anthony Cooper said the ubiquitous devices not only provide navigation, but also easily identify landmarks that would be posted on the wayfinding sign.

"This to me looks like a step backwards," he said.

While the entire council voiced general support for the concept, Council Members Jim Cooper and Pat Hume voted against the project. Cooper expressed concern that the project funding would come of out the city's gas tax fund which is generally used for road improvement and maintenance projects while Hume did not support the dynamic message signs calling them an overkill.

"We are just starting to promoting recreation and tourism " Mayor Gary Davis said in support of the expenditure. "I look at this as a way to continue our city priority of pushing travel and tourism." 

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Sarah Johnson said...

Big disappointment, wrong approach, too expensive, and premature since we are still trying to develop a citywide vision. Another boondoggle to chalk up to our "leaders".
This sign program is not well thought out and completely misses the opportunity for a fully integrated sign system. The presentation by the consultant shows the consultant;s vision and has no relationship to this community.

Anonymous said...

I would support the signs if they pointed the way to new, high-paying jobs in our city.

Amused in Festival City said...

Tacky as only Elk Grove is. The signs in Folsom for example, (which is way out of our league by the way)are classy and don't rely on height and electronics. Elk Grove's signs will go good with all the trashy banners, sandwich boards, and even a motorized mannequin that dot the city. Reminds me of Hong Kong or Tijuana. Big signs to go with big gos.

Food Truck City said...

All I wanna know is which way to the nearest food truck.

Anonymous said...

I'm with Sarah on this one. This was the wrong way to go. These signs only add to our continued failure as a city. Additionally, I think the cost is prohibitive. The council keeps saying "festival city". I guess I just don't get it. I really don't see us being a "festival city". Perhaps they see something the rest of us don't see.

Capt Benjamin L. Willard said...

As well intended as the city might be, I have to suspect these signs are going to be perfect surfaces for every two-bit-gang-banging-tagger-wanna-be in Elk Grove and South Sac trying to mark their perceived turf.

These signs will actually hurt our city's reputation when out of towners looking for the mythical "destination" spots in our town see nothing but obscenity ridden signs directing them around our fair city. Oh yes, lets not forget expensive and on-going graffiti abatement cost.

Wizard of Oz said...

How much more of our tax dollars are gonna be wasted on this pipe dream about EG becoming a tourist destination? Uh, bulletin of fearless leaders...we don
t have the demographics to ever be another Roseville, Folsom, or Granite Bay. And for weekend trips, can you honestly hear them saying.."hey, let's go to Elk Grove for the weekend!".

Once our trash trasnfer facility gets built across from the Promenade on the other side of the freeway, we will be the dumping ground of the Sacramento region. We could have a Trash Festival out there, with a homemade kite flying contest made from trash, and a truck race between trash trucks and food trucks, or better yet, a monster truck race at the Promenade "stadium", with big ol' trash trucks running over things. Better get one of those electronic wayfinding signs out there--The 1st Annual Elk Grove Trash Festival!!

Anonymous said...

To the poster above. Why are you so upset? He is your boy you have backed all along.

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