Controversial Elk Grove Fast Food, Gas Station Project Needs Further Environmental Review

A proposed combination fast food and gas station development on Sheldon Road and Highway 99 that has spurned much controversy over it...

A proposed combination fast food and gas station development on Sheldon Road and Highway 99 that has spurned much controversy over its desire to get a highway billboard, was found to need further environmental review according to documents released last week.

Since the appearance of the so-called Moore Sheldon Center last year, the project has been a lighting rod for controversy as the developer has continued to seek placement of a billboard along Highway 99. The developer, Gil Moore, has sought to change that ban in the hopes of locating a McDonald’s restaurant at the proposed development.

Obscured in the billboard controversy is a portion of 4.66 acre site is currently zoned for high-density residential. To develop the proposed fast food-gas station, the project must first be rezoned to commercial use.

In the environmental documents prepared by Elk Grove City Planner Christopher Jordan, it was found that the change “may have a significant effect on the environment, and an Environmental Impact report is required.”

The document states pending the rezone, the developer hopes to break ground on the project in the Fall of 2013 or Spring of 2014.  

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Connie said...

Interesting to note that the EIR scophing meeting on the project is during the day when most residents are at work.

As to the why? I won't state the obvious!

Anonymous said...

Also interesting to note that the city had a mtg last week to tell property owners in Laguna West that they have to rezone some of their properties to higher density because they need more higher density to comply with the region fair share. It will be interesting to see how they justify approving Gil Moore's rezone to do just the opposite.

Anonymous said...

Who will pay for the EIR process? Is this cost borne by the developer or do our tax dollars pay for this?

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