Davis, Detrick Disagreement on Elk Grove Signs
During their April 10 meeting, the Elk Grove City Council discussed whether or not there should be any changes to the city's ordinanc...
During their April 10 meeting, the Elk Grove City Council discussed whether or not there should be any changes to the city's ordinances regulating signs.
On one side was Mayor Gary Davis who was advocating more for flexibility for small businesses to place portable signs. On the other was Vice Mayor Steve Detrick, who along with other members of the city council, did not support the move.
Detrick did however advocate for more monument signs.
Below view a pointed an exchange between Davis and Detrick on the matter.
"You're out of order! You're out of order! The whole trial is out of order! They're out of order!"
It appears that Mr. Detrick needs some lessons in civility. Rude, obnoxious and just plainly nasty behavior that should not be tolerated. There are civil ways to disagree with someone.
I suspect Mr. Detrick is a wee bit angry because he didn't get the monument signage he perhaps promised to Gil Moore in exchange for a rather significant contribution to his reelection campaign and to his son's psuedo-sports event.
I guess we in the Rotary will have to levy a fine against Mr. Detrick for his less than gentlemanly conduct and behavior. Mr. Detrick apparently forgot the meaning of the Rotary Four-Way test that he has touted more than once from the podium. Perhaps he should speak with his co-council, Patrick Andrew Hume, for a much needed reminder/lesson.
This comment is brought to you by the letter "B." Big baby, boorish, buffoon and bully.
The discussion was totally unprofessional and unbecoming of elected officials.
Obviously, there are some personal issues between these two councilmen that now is on the record for all to see.
I am embarrassed for them and for my city.
Welcome to Hooterville! Next stop, Mayberry!
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