Elk Grove Economic Development to Forgo Formal Quarterly Presentation
July 22, 2013 | Breaking from established routine, the Elk Grove City Council will not hear the formal quarterly presentation from Econom...
July 22, 2013 |
Breaking from established routine, the Elk Grove City Council will not hear the formal quarterly presentation from Economic Development Director Randy Starbuck at their regular meeting this Wednesday night.
Breaking from established routine, the Elk Grove City Council will not hear the formal quarterly presentation from Economic Development Director Randy Starbuck at their regular meeting this Wednesday night.
In the past the quarterly progress reports on the city's efforts to attract new businesses and employers to the area have been a formal agenda item. On this meeting's agenda the report has been placed on the consent calendar.
Among the significant business openings highlighted in the second quarter include Wal Mart Neighborhood Grocery Store, Crunch Fitness, California VFW Headquarters and Bravo Soup and Sandwich Cafe. Construction starts included the Laguna Spring Medical offices, Fresh Market and Stein Mart.
One major recent development highlighted in the report is the Howard Hughes Corp. announcement that the unfinished Elk Grove Promenade Mall would be converted into an outlet mall dubbed the "Outlet Collection at Elk Grove." Construction on the mall stopped five years ago this month.
The complete report is available here.
Maybe in few months we can add some more fast food joints to the list of new businesses. One can only hope.
I don't understand why every article generates such cynical, sarcastic comments. Aren't we happy for the businesses that opened or are opening? The report is positive but it seems the readers on these boards just can't wait to make a nasty comment, whether it has context or not. I just don't get it.
Anonymous 19:43,
I agree with you. The report is positive and deserves a positive response.
Why must every article generate cynical, sarcastic comments? Simple, it is all part and parcel of the Elk Grove News Hay Machine. It provides a place where disillusioned, angry and misguided EG citizens can grind their axes. Get out while you still have a soul. ;)
With due respect to the last two commentators: I would like to know if the EGEDC had any input, influence or assistance with regard to Bravo Soup. Ms. Lisa Brown opened three business in the Marketplace 99 location. Two were relocations of her existing dance business previously located at East Stockton and Elk Grove Blvd. Bravo Soup is a new and third business for Ms. Lisa. I suspect that the EGEDC provided no assistance, incentives, guidance, et cetra to Ms. Lisa, but rather she expended much hard work to reach her goal.
EGEDC has been nothing but a cash cow for Starbuck and his predecessor.
You were warned, Anonymous 19:43. Run now, the Dementors have arrived!
Maybe the point being made; did our city give incentives to get these businesses here?...or rather did the private businesses do their own market study and determined their particular business would make it here in this town and was worth their financial risk? Prior to this particular meeting all the reports have not been under consent item but rather a presentation was made. I think the question here...what keeps this report from being worthy of a presentation?.. If our city is beginning to fill the empty store fronts I think it deserves the recognition. If the businesses are have had a positive experience going through the gov't process of opening here I would like to hear about that too. Maybe for those that don't get the sarcasm...attend a few council meetings; rezones.....what has previously been sold to the residents as economic development; it did and will include a fast food restaurant.
When going to Bravo to give them business, if one were to see Jim and Lisa Brown and talk directly to them you would know that they weren’t given any assistance from the city of Elk Grove or the Economic Development Dept.
The Browns opened three new businesses, relocating one of them, all on their own. It would be very disingenuous of Randy Starbuck to take credit here. Maybe the same is true of the other new businesses; hence no reason for Starbuck to get up and take any credit on the record.
Hopefully the Browns have good landlords who will help them promote their somewhat different location; unlike other strip mall owners who take their renters’ money, with no monies going to advertising, watch them go under, confiscate their inventory and sell it on the other local Blogs.
Perhaps part of the problem is Mr.Starbuck was the wrong hire. He is a redevelopment guy, not a rainmaker. Ms. Gill hired him and she should be held to account. Oops, ny bad, Ms.,Gill is padding her salary while the citizens she serves are suffering from stagnant wages.
Refilling existing vacant stores is like treading water--not the makings of a "destination city". So since there is nothing to boast about and the payroll money keeps on flowing, just put it on consent so the "muppets" (a Goldman Sachs term for the little people) don't catch on.
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