Possible Elk Grove City Council Candidate Launches Website, Attacks Incumbent

September 13, 2013 | Although he has yet to file papers, Elk Grove resident James White has launched a website announcing his candid...

September 13, 2013 |

Although he has yet to file papers, Elk Grove resident James White has launched a website announcing his candidacy for the Elk Grove City Council.

White, who ran for the city council in 2010 against Gary Davis and Jimmy Johnson, is positioning himself to challenge incumbent Pat Hume for the city's District 2 seat. That district encompasses most of the city's rural area and neighborhoods east of Highway 99.

Aside from announcing his own platform, White is taking aim at Hume with a page of the site focusing on the former planning commissioner and two-term council member.

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Anonymous said...

Throwing punches before he ever gets to the arena? Easy, Meat, you'll wear yourself out before you set foot on the canvas.

Capt. Renault said...

Shocked, shocked. Pat Hume drunk?

Anonymous said...

If Mr. White thinks calling out Mr. Hume for drinking, he ought to think twice. Hume will kneecap him if needed. I don't suspect White will get very far based on his 2010 stealth campaign.

Anonymous said...

I am not a Hume fan and I know all about his "infamous" past. However, I can't see how White thinks this is a good campaign strategy. White had better have a pristine lily white past himself or else the crap he flings in Hume's direction will only cling to White himself.

Silent Dogood said...

This guy is a joke. He filed to run for Mayor last election and was disqualified. His website is filled with different fonts, misspelling and inacurate information. Hume will have other opponents to worry about, just not this guy.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Silent above. Mr White doesn't seem to understand that throwing personal jabs gets you no where. He'd better have a sound fiscal plan; an understanding of the issues facing EG; have a stand on the SOI; civic center; aquatic park; and know a little about being humble. To date, he seems to be striking out. I don't much like Hume, but I already don't like this guy's approach to change. Move along Mr. White.

No Humer Here said...

The fact is we need to clean house and Hume needs to go. He is only on the council to promote the SOI and the Connector.

Hume out or the floodplain back in!

Anonymous said...

I'm all for keep Hume in over this joker.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see some new faces on the council and although I don't like Hume and I am NOT for the SOI, Mr. White seems to lack the personal integrity we seek. Yes, Hume has to go; surely we can find a better candidate than Mr. White. I find his approach distasteful.

Anonymous said...

Of course don't discount the possibility White could be a spoof candidate. Look at the comments here. This guy is making Hume seem like a sympathetic character, dare I say victim.

Sour Mash Jack said...

Jim White in the race so that Pat Hume can play the martyr? That would be hilarious except it worked in the past. Rick Soares’ Jack Daniels hit piece on Hume was ineffective and it backfired. Irony here is that Hume turned around and hired Soares’ campaign manager the next election cycle; so I guess Hume wasn’t too upset by the DUI piece!

But one thing though: Where are the city prosecutors Pat Hume stated he hired back in 2010 to fight crime in Elk Grove? Mystery men and women floating about city hall collecting a pay check?

Not too worry! Rumor has it there is a possible candidate whose political machine could send Hume packing. Remember Hume has never won with 50% of the vote, either as a first-time challenger or an incumbent. He is beatable!!

Anonymous said...

Seems Mr. White reads EGN! The smear page has come down... Advice: modify your site offline until you're ready for prime time. Better advice: Find something better to do with your time. No doubt you are enthusiastic about serving the community but maybe you should try other avenues?

Jim White said...

Thank you for all the comments on my website, good and bad. Patrick Hume if you are reading I would like to apologize for the personal attacks posted on my website. Second, the current city council has done a fine job with Elk Grove considering it is a great place to live and raise a family. My intentions with this campaign is to bring Elk Grove further for the residents. Maybe build an art and culture center or a science center in Elk Grove. Add more police officers to enforce city ordinances so that citizens can walk down the streets safely. Thanks again for the comments, I do listen.

Unknown said...

Thank you for all the comments on my campaign, it is helpful. Patrick Hume if you are reading I apologize for the personal attacks posted on my website. Elk Grove is a great place to live and that is due in part by you and the city council. This campaign for District 2 is about more for Elk Grove. Building an art or science center in Elk Grove, improving public safety with more police to enforce city ordinances and promote community policing. Finally, to keep the local government more honest set some term limits for city council members and the mayor. Thanks again. Jim white

Anonymous said...

I'll vote for you, where is the smear everyone is talking about. Glad to see someone standing up to make Elk Grove better.

Anonymous said...


Jim White said...


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