With a Prejudicial Viewpoint From The Elk Grove City Council, Moore's Project Still Needs Rezone

September 24, 2013 | Even though the Elk Grove City Council has expressed a prejudicial view on it, the controversial fast-food ...

September 24, 2013 |

Even though the Elk Grove City Council has expressed a prejudicial view on it, the controversial fast-food and gas station project proposed by local developer Gil Moore, still needs to be rezoned. As part of the rezoning process, the city has posted a subsequent environmental impact report on the matter.   

Moore's project, which is on the corner of East Stockton Blvd. and Sheldon Road, has been a lightning rod of controversy since he first discussed it at a March, 2012 city council meeting. In order to have a McDonald's outlet in the development, Moore said the the fast-food behemoth required a freeway sign, which at that time was prohibited for non-freeway adjacent businesses. 

At their August 28 meeting, city council members liberalized the ordinance governing freeway billboards such that Moore could possibly have a sign near the Highway 99 and Sheldon Road interchange. During the time leading up to this change, Moore has made significant contributions to four of the five city council members campaigns' and was a major sponsor of Mayor Gary Davis' recent Elk Fest.    

In the numerous meetings where the sign ordinance and Moore's project has been discussed, council members consistently said from the dais they thought it was a good project, even though the parcel the project would sit on is not currently approved for that use.

The current zoning for the 4.46-acre parcel is high density residential. The document can be viewed here.

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Fly Like an Eagle said...

Wouldn't that be funny if the ones prematurely expressing support for the project before the actual rezone hearing, are probably the same ones receiving Moore's contributions, who then might have to bow out of the voting! As Steve Miller sang, "go on, take the money and run"...

Laguna resident said...

...and persons on this site ask why there is so much "negative" comment re our council.
- This is why. It's just one example.
Another is the SOI that the council is completely behind although it will create problems with first responders (police / fire response times), negatively affect property values (more homes)and create more traffic on our daily commute.

I'd like someone else to add further examples so those who think our civic leaders are trying to benefit our community are really just padding their political coffers at the citizen's cost and burden as well as quality of life.

C'mon readers, keep this going... what's your issue?

Capt. Benjamin L. Willard said...

The citizens voice has been terminated with extreme prejudice.

Cozy Bedfellows said...

Is there any more room in Gil Moore's bed for even more council members? It appears so!

Anonymous said...

Moore has bought and paid for the yes votes. The council has already indicated love for the oilman's little project. I just wish they would spare us the "show" of going through the proper channels of approval. It's just more wasted taxpayer $$$ for staff time and such.

And has anybody noticed Moore's touting his gas station/beer and wine cave? Really???? Hasn't heard that alcohol and gasoline don't mix?

Sign me Disgusted!

Anonymous said...

Keep your eye on Nancy Chaires contributor list, I bet ol Gil has lined her pockets already, make room in his bed for one more.

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