Shoplifter Attacks Wal Mart Employee, Eludes Elk Grove Police

October 11, 2011 | An unknown shoplifting suspect eluded police after he assaulted two store employees yesterday morning. Accor...

October 11, 2011 |

An unknown shoplifting suspect eluded police after he assaulted two store employees yesterday morning.

According to Elk Grove Police an unknown suspect was observed attempting to exit the Elk Grove Blvd. Wal Mart store with a shopping cart of television sets. When store employees approached the suspect, he allegeldy slammed the shopping cart into the one of the employees and punched another in the face. 

The suspect fled the store without the television sets and was seen driving a gold Lexus. Responding officers were unable to locate him.

The suspect was described as a black male adult, wearing a black/white cap, gray shirt and jeans.

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