Elk Grove City Council to Hold Special Meeting This Monday
November 22, 2013 | The Elk Grove City Council will hold a special meeting this Monday at 5 p.m. The Elk Grove City Clerk posted ...
November 22, 2013 |
The Elk Grove City Council will hold a special meeting this Monday at 5 p.m.
The Elk Grove City Clerk posted a notice this afternoon at 4 p.m. informing the public of the meeting. The sole item on the agenda for consideration is the city's withdrawal of its application for the sphere of influence(SOI) application.
By withdrawing its application from consideration before the December 4 Sacramento Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) meeting, it is believed the city can resubmit its application seeking to annex in excess of 8,000-acres. Although LAFCO said it would reject the city's application, the formal action will actually take place at their next meeting.
That's right, withdraw and resubmit when the LAFCo votes are in place. Grind the citizens down until the opposition wears out or packs up their U-Haul and move away. Flood the market with more cracker jack homes and watch your property values go out the window. If this was Davis, these clowns would have been recalled a long time ago. Apathy lives on here!
I have been weathering the storm of Greed. It all starts at the local level and moves on up. Elk Groves SOIA was denied by LAFCo. Now Elk Grove City Council is holding a special meeting Monday night at 5pm to withdraw the application. This will allow our council to reapply when they have as one councilmember said "Lafco members who favor Elk Grove". What saddens me most; loosing all the farmland.....farmers wanting to continue the farming who are being pushed out and others who feel forced to sell because they no longer can make a living. What happens when countries no longer produce their own food to feed the citizens? People starve....So today when I was thinking about our city leaders I find it ironic that they put all their energy to raising money for our local "food bank" and in the same breath think we need to expand outwards to bring jobs. Doesn't make sense to me. Everyone else in the region is bringing Farm to Fork....and elk grove leaders....well like I said early on in our city's history; the leaders were empire building and not being regional players. Who looses in this?
I wish there was a way we could get Willie Nelson here for a Farm Aid concert to save our farms and really fight this greed of expansion!!!
"Greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right. Greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures, the essence of the evolutionary spirit".
Erich Fromm said.....
Greed is a bottomless pit which exhausts the person in an endless effort to satisfy the need without ever reaching satisfaction.
I wonder if the council is pulling the application in order to resubmit again or they heard the people and want to withdraw to gain political points?
I suspect our council is NOT listening to us. They want that SOI land so this is another ploy to try to gain control of it. If they "pull" it before it can be "denied" they can resubmit it later without having to invest any more time into the project. What this council and staff is doing is NOT representing the citizens of Elk Grove...they are listening to the developers...plain and simple. This back door approach is appalling and down right a slap in the face to the people who live here. Shame on Laura, Taro, Hobbs and this Council.
So the Elk Grove City Council's plan is to pull the current SOI application, get new members appointed to the LAFC0 Board that are "Elk Grove friendly" and then resubmit a new application.
Typical of the behavior of our city council since incorporation. Briggs and Leary might as well be still up on the dais. The strong-arming continues!
A better plan: Get new Elk Grove City Councilmembers who understand what "The People" are saying here and let it be!
One word can be used to describe PMC, Gill and the entire EGCC - Hubris.
They never hear the people so why would they start now? May be a little late to gain those political points now...too much water under the bridge and the spending of approx. $1 M. of our hard earned tax dollars....hardly think I'll forget that when election time rolls around. May not need the big bucks to win the next time around.
How child-like! This council and staff including that awful Gill and her minions, are just making a mockery of this system. Don't you get it?? The citizens of EG do not want to expand. End of debate. Fix the core of our city. Invest in our current city. No one wants that land anyways. It will be there if/when an expansion is actually warranted. I am embarrassed to say I live in this town. Please stop and listen to your constituents. You might actually learn something!
To be clear, in case certain members our council are unsure of the definition of hubris, I offer the following:
noun \ˈhyü-brəs\ : a great or foolish amount of pride or confidence
Elk Grove's failure on the SOI was brought on by their hubris.
Any questions?
It's too bad our leaders don't hear ANYONE, when they say they are not good stewards of the land. LAFCo has told you so, your citizens have told you so and your own market study has told you so. And you ignore the obvious and keep moving forward.
Very disappointing. I don't know what else to say.
May God bless Elk Grove. We need his help.
So the city cancels the regularly scheduled Wednesday meeting so they can have a "short notice special meeting" on a holiday shortened week?? OK, this smells bad...lacks transparency and due to the subject matter, reeks of back room politics. What the hell is going on in our city government?? These guys must have taken lessons from the CIA. Why all this song and dance?? Do you think we are all that stupid? The Dr Phil (Carter) and Dr Laura (Gill)show needs to be cancelled. They are just evil people with clearly their own agenda. Someone stop this madness!
This will only stop when the residents of Elk Grove rise above their apathy and fill the chambers. This will only stop when it doesn't take disgusting amounts of monies to run for council...this will only stop when people take their vote seriously and don't buy the catchy slogans...this will only stop when we get past the party politics...this will only stop when..... I keep challenging residents to attend one council meeting. Our mayor refers to the chambers as "our house"....when the house is ignored it eventually becomes blighted and collapses...what will residents do then. Definitely blighted homes don't draw tourists.
Willie Nelson has been very good at promoting Agribusiness to Fork or should I say government Pork to Fork. Just what we need is more government subsidies to grow wine grapes here in Elk Grove.
Gary Briggs, Steve Leary, and Pat Soares. Boy is that something to be proud of or what....?
It didn't appear this meeting was recorded last evening. Wonder why that was? Could it have been so LAFCO and the workers/taxpayers of EG couldn't hear what was being said? I also thought it was interesting that Cooper had nothing to say, but wanted to move it quickly on to a vote...maybe thinking of that Assembly run. Mayor Davis even sidestepped Trigg for his comments...seems they were wanting out of there fast.
Actually a pretty good show...should have sold tickets to all the tourists roaming the streets.
Anonymous at 1847; This morning you made me laugh. Anonymous 09:01; yes maybe they should of sold tickets to tourists roaming the streets; it is the Thanksgiving holiday I imagine maybe maybe there are a few here.
To Anon at 9:01..what happened, in a nutshell. I could not make the meeting as I don't get off work until 5:00. Another reason why this meeting should have been held at the regularly scheduled time. Were any citizens able to make it to the meeting? Did anyone speak for/against this action? Apparently the city did not stream it as it seems to be unavialable on line. Don't know why that is, but I keep checking the city's website but nothing to watch!! Any update would be appreciated.
It appears that the video of last night's meeting is available on the city's website.
EGN, thank you for posting the link of the video. To Anonymous 11:22. Let us ask:why 5pm? Transparency? Decision making? Participation? This council's unnecessary fear is around the general public really beginning to participate. This would be dangerous; Someone told me "knowledge is power"...let me share with you this: EVERYONE closely involved with the SOIA and who was able to meet behind closed doors in the dealing was SURPRISED by the final vote!!!! Guess what? A deal of 2,000acres "was solid" going into the hearing that night. Yep Knowledge is power and that is what left me not believing I was hearing the votes correctly. So to any LAFCO Commissioners that might even read this or hear about my post; Thank you for not being bought from either side! Thank you for believing in a vision and believing in why LAFCo's came to be!!! My only wish and prayer...is that the residents of Elk Grove as most citizen's wouldn't buy into the trap of party lines and nice sound bites come next election. My only wish is that the LAFCo Commissioners would remain strong deny land grabs. My hope; no more lost of farmland and grazing land to unsustainable projects! It breaks my heart that those who wanted to continue to farm are being pushed out, and those who sold and thought it would be ok...well they are not so ok....
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