Mayor of Elk Grove Starts Business, Affiliates With City's App Developer

November 25, 2013 | According to documents filed on April 23, 2013 with the Sacramento County Department of Finance, Elk Grove Ma...

November 25, 2013 |

According to documents filed on April 23, 2013 with the Sacramento County Department of Finance, Elk Grove Mayor Gary Davis launched a business venture that has made alliances with three governmental contractors, including one of the city's technology vendors.

Davis' venture, named Civic Innovations Public Affairs (CIPA), filed a fictitious business name (file number FBNF2013-03364; see filing below.) which launched on April 1, 2013 and is listed as an individually owned business. According to the company's website,, the firm provides "common sense innovation for local government."

Amongst the services CIPA purports to offer are reverse auctions used in government procurement, development of smart phone applications for government entities and development of geographically defined smart networks. CIPA's website indicates the company has business relations with governmental contractors Publicstuff, Fedbid and Anycomm.

The website does not indicate what the exact arrangement CIPA has with any of the three firms. A search of the City of Elk Grove's website revealed Publicstuff developed the city's smart phone application that was launched in 2011.

As for CIPA, its website does not list a phone number, physical address or mailing address. To contact CIPA a reader can complete an automated response and lists the only contact as

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Anonymous said...

$27.00 filing fee---ouch! Wonder if he used his campaign funds to pay for that like he did with his filing fee for Mayor?

Anonymous said...

While this may not be illegal, I do believe it gives the perception of a conflict of interest when, as Mayor, you associate yourself, personally, with a contracted vendor of the city. If the awarding of the contract resulted in a personal benefit to the Mayor, then the contract should be voided. This is never good business for a Mayor to engage in. IMO... Full disclosure should be made at a council meeting.

Anonymous said...

Anon 13:40...
That would be a good question for council: Does the city still have ongoing business with Publicstuff? I'm assuming Publicstuff did the "AskElkGrove" mobile app... So, are we paying any ongoing licensing fees or maintenance fees?

Anonymous said...

I think it is an oddity that requires some questioning... EGN FOIA?
When was the initial contract awarded?
What was the initial length of contract?
Has the contract been extended?
What is the value of the contract?

Other reading...

Anonymous said...

It appears we still have a contra ct with them due to recent news posted on the web site.

The Mad Hatter said...

This thing is beginning to be like the guest who has overstayed or the fish in your refrigerator - it is getting smellier by the day.

Sprouse Reitz said...

Influence peddling...let's see how many new contracts are to cities that Willdan and PMC run...

Anonymous said...

Sprouse Reitz? That's a name I haven't heard around here in a long time. That's almost as old school as Taco Aqui.

Thomas A. Anderson said...

Between the last minute scheduling of tonight's meeting, which was nothing more than a legal maneuver to side step the intentions of LAFCO, which was hard to get to after work and by all appearances not taped, these people are pushing the envelope. Illegal for the Mayor to start a business that does business with a city contractor? No. Ethical? Most certainly not, but as history has demonstrated time and time again in this little fiefdom, ethics don't matter.

Anonymous said...

This relationship is just too cozy. Mayor Davis should not be doing personal business with city contractors/vendors. Does he NOT see a problem with this? My respect for Mr Davis has sunken to a new low. Does anyone else see this as a potential conflict of interest???

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:28...
A foolish miscalculation on his part. I doubt the contract value was very high it is unlikely to trigger anything illegal.
That said: I think it is very foolish. He is inviting a problem by not keeping a barrier between city business and his personal business. Disappointing and deserving of whatever grief he gets until this gets cleaned up.

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