Christmas Greetings from EGN
December 24, 2013 | As the year draws to an end, EGN wishes all the readers of this site whether you love, like or loath us the followin...
Merry Christmas to you as well, Dan.
Thanks for offering up your website for those who follow Elk Grove and it's progression, whether it be good, bad, or ugly.
You offer many of us banished from City Hall a place to share our views and wishes.
We realize it's a lot of work to maintain your site. We appreciate it. Thanks for all you do.
Well said....DITTO
same here...for those who can no longer participate in our local government process due to idle threats from city staff...this website gives us a chance to tell a story or two.
Merry Christmas Dan and he's hoping 2014 brings some much needed changes to our city, our staff and our council members.
Until then, cherish your family and friends and welcome a neighbor into your home....together we can make this a better place to live, work and play.
Merry Christmas
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