Gearing up Elk Grove City Council Campaign, Chaires Releases Intro Video
December 2, 2013 | Although she has served for over six years as a city planning commissioner, Elk Grove City Council candidate Nanc...
Although she has served for over six years as a city planning commissioner, Elk Grove City Council candidate Nancy Chaires has produced a video she hopes will help voters learn more of her and her candidacy.
Chaires, who is seeking the full-four year term for the district four seat that was vacated by Gary Davis last year and subsequently filled by Robert Trigg, is currently the only declared candidate. Trigg, who has one year left on his term committed at his time of appointment earlier this year that he will not seek election to the full term.
In the press release accompanying the video, Chaires outlined her motivations for running noting her deep commitment to the community.
"I'm running because I care about my community. This is where I live. This is is where my husband and I are raising our son, where our son goes to school," Chaires said. "This is where we mingle with our neighbors. This is our community."
See video below.
If she wants to be elected, she better distance herself from the current council and all of their egos, shenanigans and developer $$$ to fund her campaign.
People are really becoming fed up with the treatment they've been getting at CC meetings (they've been ridiculed or ignored).
Being the good Democrat she is, she may be toast already. Time for some new blood on this council without the baggage, party politics and "winks" to funders.
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss!
So I have a question. Since Nancy is obviously making her "family" part of her campaign,
"This is where I live. This is is where my husband and I are raising our son, where our son goes to school,"
Is it fair game to point out that is not her son? Yes it is her step-son but what does the mother who shares full custody of the child think when Nancy claims the child to be her's?
Anonymous 16:14.
Seriously? That's uncalled for. Nice. Santa will leave you a lump of coal and the Universe fines you 10,000 karma points. Gimme a break.
That was pretty low. Totally uncalled for and inappropriate.
More of man's inhumanity to man.
Just another stepping stone to State Assembly with an inside push from the Latino Caucus.
Ms. Chaires just looks like more of the same.
We need someone NOT looking for a political future. We need local business people interested in making this city better without cowing to developer wants.
I don't see Chaires as this person. She seems like a Gary Davis clone - the last thing we need.
While Ms. Chaires might be just another political hack, to Anon above, haven't you ever heard the term "blended family"? That is too much.
Same old sound bites, except she left out "more government transparency", but give it a few more months!
Anon 07:35...
I don't mind someone using that term so long as they understand what it is. And, I'm not talking about a general definition, I'm talking about a real measurement. I hear plenty of folks whining about the "lack of it" but I have yet to see someone provide a way to assess it and measure it for improvement. All we get is similar to the definition of pornography, "I can't tell you what it is but I know it when I see it." And that doesn't cut it.
So, Nancy, if you use it, please be prepared to measure it! :)
To Anon at 16:14 RE: Son? I think the fact she is not being truthful is the point. OK, yeah she has "a son" but why not accurately introduce him as her step son. I am very sure the mom would have some objection to Chaires proclamation. Truthful, fair, honest....let's face it; this current council lacks most of these character traits. Chaires should be careful to tell the whole truth; honestly and with pride and distinction. Including the word "step" in front of "son" would make little difference in her resume; however not including it does indicates her willingness to bend the truth. I've had just about enough of that. Come on Nancy....don't try to fool us so early in the game. Integrity counts...or at least it should.
Anonymous 14:11...
I don't know if you noticed but the video was produced by Pablo and her son, Adrian, was involved in the production, as well. If there was a problem with it, I'm fairly certain that Pablo and Adrian would have had that discussion with Nancy.
I don't think it is a community responsibility to analyze the finer meanings of the word "son" in this forum. Who are "we" to make that definition for them?
Let it be and let's not give this foolishness any more energy.
To anon above, the real issue here is how does the biological mother feel about someone else claiming to be the mother. We know the father would not object because he married the step mother after all, didn't he. Accuracy is the best policy...stepson.
Actually who cares how she wants to represent her family that's up to her. What the real issue is how contrived her whole campaign is, how in-original, it's like the while circle of wanna be politicians get together and use the same playbook. Give me someone who isn't a drone
I think some of you are bring emotions into this. From clearly a voters point of view, I want all candidates to be truthful and honest. If she is 5'4" and says she is 5'8"; then the fact that she is NOT truthful is the point...not that she is 5'4". Get it?? Be honest and truthful in all that you do. Period. I don't care what the context is...just don't lie to me and then somehow turn it around and make it my fault for pointing out your lies. Very simple actually.
Who cares if it's her son or stepson?
Is she really interested in a better Elk Grove or is this a step to higher office? Who's funding her campaign? Will she rubber stamp the developers horrible housing developments? In the video she talks about her "professional life" but no mention of her day job. What type of work does she do?
I'm more than willing to give her a shot but hopefully we'll find out the answer to the above questions as the campaign progresses.
I would like answers to the questions too. She has been on the planning commission for a number of years. I would suggest a review of her comments and voting record on planning commission would give an indication of her stance on the housing developments and her vision of city development and direction.
Voted yes on as usual.
To BAInc,
If you are looking for answers to your questions you should check out her campaign website.
I had the same questions but I decided to look her up on google and I found a lot of the info on her site.
Very easy!!!
Same inner circle, endorsed by the same political allies all trying to be career politicians or coffee shop owners. Not what the city needs. If no one else runs vote none of the above. Also is being from a migrant family, while love the American dream story, it doesn't make you automatically plugged into the communities needs or opinion.
I have found Ms. Chaires to be very receptive to discussing items coming before the Planning Dept. and she is certainly very well educated. That being said..what I want is someone to ask the tough questions and put the cities and taxpayers best interests first. In this case I have found she pretty much asks the "soft" questions and ends with a "thank you, that pretty much answers my questions." Doesn't seem to want to be the stand-alone vote. But.... we'll see when we have the public forums and she is asked the tough questions and where she stands on those. That is when I will make my decision and will not be based on some little video that means ZIP
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