Elk Grove Mayor Appoints New Planning Commissioner
January 9, 2014 | Unlike his failed attempt to oust a member of the planning commission last year, Mayor Gary Davis was able to appoi...
January 9, 2014 |
Unlike his failed attempt to oust a member of the planning commission last year, Mayor Gary Davis was able to appoint a new commissioner at last night's Elk Grove City Council meeting.
Of the 23 people who applied for the position, Davis selected Keven Spease. As a member of the Laguna Sunrise Rotary Club, Spease has appeared before the city council on numerous occasions advocating for the club's literacy programs that benefit the Elk Grove Unified School District.
For Davis, the new appointment to the five person commission went much smoother than his first possible appointment last January. In that incident, Davis attempted to dismiss Commissioner and current chair Frank Maita and replace him with former Elk Grove City Council Member Sophia Scherman but was stymied by the council.
At last night's meeting the council also agreed with Davis' request to examine the possibility of forming several smaller neighborhood advisory committees similar to Sacramento County's Community Advisory Councils. That idea has been proposed to the city council on numerous occasions by Elk Grove resident Michael Monasky who was one of the 23 applicants.
Spease, who attended the meeting, took the oath of office immediately following the council's affirmation of the appointment and will start his duties at tonight's planning commission meeting. The vacancy was created with last November's resignation of former Elk Grove resident Brian Villanueva.
Unlike last year, council members unanimously agreed with Davis' selection of Spease with Vice Mayor Jim Cooper and Council Member Detrick both saying he was in their top three of selections. Last year Cooper and Detrick blocked Davis' attempt to appoint Scherman.
"I would like to congratulate the mayor on his first new appointee," Council Member Pat Hume added.
ERN, what you left out of your article is the sarcasm in which Hume made the comment. But you got the gist just right, it was imperative that Davis appoint someone who was not only very qualified but someone the others wouldn’t veto.
What criteria was used for the selection? Were interviews conducted? Are they familiar with the general plan, let alone read it? Can they read blueprints? What are the major policy goals of the city?
Just as I thought...the rubber-stamp commission, endorsed by the developers, no experience desired!
Sounds like the Mayor had his ducks in a row before they even set foot in the meeting. Can you say serial meeting?
Congratulaions Kevin. Mayor Davis made a great choice and I know you will serve Elk Grove well.
I didn't catch the sarcasm. Good to see the council actually behave in a civil manner - and support a great choice! Kevin has shown a desire to serve the community in a larger way and now has the chance to prove himself.
If you didn't catch the sarcasm you don't know Council Member Hume very well.
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