Woman Mugged in Elk Grove Parking Lot

April 22, 2014 | A woman was mugged early yesterday afternoon in an Elk Grove parking lot. According to Elk Grove Police, the 41-...

April 22, 2014 |

A woman was mugged early yesterday afternoon in an Elk Grove parking lot.

According to Elk Grove Police, the 41-year old victim was walking through a parking lot on the corner of Elk Grove-Florin Boulevard and Bond Road when three men in a blue Toyota Camry drove past her. The three occupants exited the vehicle and one of the men, described as a black male adult, in his 20's, 5'8", 190 lbs., wearing a red t-shirt and blue jeans, walked up behind the victim and grabbed her purse. 

The unidentified suspect the other two men got back into the car and drove away. The victim was not injured during the incident.  

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Anonymous said...

Is it just me or is our town slipping due to rising crime. All I read about is robberies, home invasions, grab and go's; etc...but heaven forbid we coast through a red light. I'm starting to think all these new homes are bring teenagers and young adults who have no jobs/nothing to do so they cruise around town looking for a good time. I never much thought about crime in EG, but things are a changing!

Dragnet said...

The Police union must love these stories because they make it easier for the City Council to hire more cops. Last election, some of the candidates were falling over each other trying to outbid their opponents on how many new cops they would hire if they were elected.

EGPD_PIO said...

Good Afternoon,

The reported crime stats for the first three months of 2014 are very similar to the first three months of 2013. Robberies are down by 29%. Aggravated Assaults are up by 12%. The other two violent crime categories are identical.

Homicides 0
Forcible Rape 3
Robbery 24
Aggravated Assaults 94

Homicides 0
Forcible Rape 3
Robbery 17
Aggravated Assaults 106

Officer Christopher Trim
Public Information Officer
Elk Grove Police Department
(916) 627-3709

Anonymous said...

Low income housing projects.

Developers slam up the subdivisions, take the money and run.

For every new house built, the city is forced by state law to either pay a fine (like Folsom) or to zone land for low income housing projects.

Wait until the Meridian SEPA project is built.

2,500 units of very low and low income housing has been zoned for the Meridian SEPA, the Poppy Ridge area and the area around the Mall.

The only concentration of housing projects that rivals the SEPA in sheer numbers is the Mack Road corridor between Franklin and Highway 99.

Dragnet said...

Mr. Trim, can you also provide stats for burglaries and vehicle theft? Thanks

SteveB6509 said...

I believe a significant portion of our crime comes from people who live in Sacramento (city or county) and find we are an attractive target. I don't have an answer unless there is some way we can be seen as very severe on crime but I believe prosecution falls to the County DA who decides in these situations.

Bill Gannon said...

Yes Steve B., prosecution in the domain of the District DA. That is why the race for Scully's replacement will be an important election this year.

What we can do locally is keep our ears and eyes open, know your neighbors and make sure the city prioritizes practical, efficient public safety.

EGPD_PIO said...

The reported crime stats for property crimes covering the first three months of 2014 have increased slightly compared to the first three months of 2013. Burglaries are up by 20%. Larceny has increased by 3%, while motor vehicle theft is up by 4%.

Burglary 132
Larceny 496
Motor Vehicle Theft 44

Burglary 159
Larceny 511
Motor Vehicle theft 46

Officer Christopher Trim
Public Information Officer
Elk Grove Police Department
(916) 627-3709

Anonymous said...

This city is built for the future degenerates to run amok. Who with any means will want to live in a far suburbia with no corporate jobs, no executive housing, low end shopping and dining options, no cultural choices what so ever unless year round sports counts (which it does to most residents).

Elk Grove is a move up and move on out sort of community. Not a great recipe for continuity.

SteveB6509 said...

I agree we have development problems but if we were a more affluent community, it would draw even more of the bad people to Elk Grove for criminal activity.

Here's what I would be in favor of (ACLUers, get ready to flame me) - a series of video cameras throughout our city in selected locations. If you want to commit a crime someone where in town and then expect to drive away, you can expect we'll get your license plate and possibly even follow where you are going in our city and how you are leaving town.

Connie said...

I think Elk Grove’s crime stats aren't as bad as they could be. Stop all the shoplifting and muggings at Walmart and the stats would be much better.

But what I am a bit frustrated about is a quote in yesterday’s The Sacramento Bee regarding the reenactment of the murders of Mr. Singh and Mr. Atwal saying they are "the only unsolved murders in the city of Elk Grove." Hopefully this reenactment. and more news coverage, will garner new leads.

However, that statement is not true. Robert Maisonet, 15 years old, was beaten to death on Franklin Blvd. in broad daylight walking home from school. His murder is still unsolved and there is a $50,000.00 Governor's Reward the city received on April 13, 2009 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person(s) responsible for that homicide.

Why an EGDP detective would make such a statement is beyond me when it is not true.

Robert and his family deserve justice as well.

Anonymous said...

Hey Steve- I don't really follow the thought that more affluent citizens would attract more crime. By that logic, Granite Bay or Davis should be shaking in their boots because of hooligans.

My base of thought comes from the fact that our national economy/government/laws will continue to favor the rich elite at the expense of the working middle/lower class. EG borders an unquestioned lower-econ, brown/black neighborhood in SouthSac, in which our city must look like a respite for these people who only want a better choice. EG's Old Guard, is largely white, working class and high school educated, another socio-group that will continue to struggle in the modern economy. Basically, EG will become a collection of multi-cultured people who face economic stacked odds against. Not a place to be if you have the means not to be.

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