Dr. Pan's IE's Good Cop, Bad Cop Mailers

May 13, 2014 | From a politician's point of view, so-called Independent Expenditure committees are the best thing in elections ...

May 13, 2014 |

From a politician's point of view, so-called Independent Expenditure committees are the best thing in elections since the days of Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall. 

Independent Expenditures committees, or IE's, are advocacy group's that are legally unaffiliated with any candidates or initiative. As such, they are free to advocate for a candidate or issue as long as they acted without any coordination from a candidate or issue.

In the race to replace Darrell Steinberg, Democratic State Senatorial Candidate Dr. Richard Pan is benefiting from  Californians for Fiscal Accountability and Responsibility mailers that are playing as a good cop, bad cop role in attacking opponent Roger Dickinson and praising Pan.

On the good cop side is a mailer that portrays Pan as a caring, kid-loving Pediatrician. This Mailer touts Pan's advocacy for health care access for kids and seniors.

The bad cop mailer meanwhile portrays opponent Dickinson as an uncaring, self-centered politician more interested in spending taxpayers dollars on trips and receiving free meals. 

So far there haven't been any IE mailer sighting for Dickinson. When they come, will they feature Pan's residency questions? 

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Anonymous said...

I am so turned off by attack ads, usually twisting or misleading, that they 'seal the deal' for me if I were in any way ambivalent. Or, they make me even more opposed to a candidate whom I was only slightly opposed to before.

They must be effective, however, or else why would candidates resort to this kind of ad.

Just the same, they are a real turn-off to me and feel like dirty politics.

When I get these kinds of flyers, I immediately toss them in the trash - they don't even get inside my house.

I do find it interesting, however, to track who uses them the most. They usually, but not always, correlate with the candidates I find less compelling.

Cooper does this - too bad he is either a council member of an assembly member, one way or the other. I find this a bit unethical right from the get-go - pulling a Davis and not cool.

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