Elk Grove City Council To Hear Pro Soccer Pursuit Update

UPDATED 5:10 p.m., May 29, update in blue UPDATED 7:15 p.m.  May 27, update in green May 27, 2014 | Will the Elk Grove continue i...

UPDATED 5:10 p.m., May 29, update in blue
UPDATED 7:15 p.m.  May 27, update in green

May 27, 2014 |

Will the Elk Grove continue its pursuit of a Major League Soccer team or drop the endeavor? That will be one of the questions pondered when the Elk Grove City Council meets tomorrow night. 

In an agenda item, the city council will hear an update report on negotiations with Northern California Soccer, LLC (NCS), which has an exclusive agreement with the city for the siting and development of a professional-grade soccer stadium. Led by former California Assembly Member and Speaker Fabian Nunez, NCS is seeking to bring either a Major League Soccer or North American Soccer League team to Elk Grove.

A 2013 city-funded study conducted by Conventions, Sports & Leisure concluded that the city could support a professional team if a taxpayer-funded stadium were built. The staff report that will be presented assumes the cost of the stadium would be a total of $120 million and be financed by revenue bonds and would require an annual subsidy from the city's general reserve.

The city's pursuit of an MLS franchise has been a major initiative of Mayor Gary Davis since his 2012 election. As part of his efforts, Davis and Elk Grove Vice Mayor Jim Cooper met with MLS Don Gerber and had Nunez make a presentation to a standing-room-only council meeting last year.

In spite of Davis' and Nunez' efforts, Gerber and other MLS officials have repeatedly indicated they seek downtown stadiums in metropolitan areas larger than the Sacramento region. Further complicating matters, Sacramento's professional soccer team, Republic FC of the United Soccer League, has demonstrated strong drawing power in its short existence and is believed to have an inside track should MLS select the region for an expansion franchise.

Davis' fellow council members Steve Detrick and Pat Hume have both indicated qualified support saying this or any similar projects, at a minimum, must be cost-neutral to taxpayers. Of the three declared candidates for the Elk Grove City Council District 4 seat, only Nancy Chaires has stated qualified support for pursuit of a professional soccer team based on financial effects to the city. (Chaires' comments on the matter start at the 1:44 mark of the recording.)

"It either pencils out, or not," Chaires said at the March 11 Elk Grove-South County Democratic Club meeting.  

District 4 candidate Daniel Jimenez said he does not support public funding of a professional soccer stadium saying the cost are likely to exceed the stated $120 million price tag. Jimenez also said while the soccer could create jobs, they would likely be part-time minimum waged with no benefits. 

Wednesday's meeting starts at 6 p.m.

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Anonymous said...

Nancy Chaires support of this irresponsible endeavor is enough reason for me not to give her serious consideration for City Council.

SteveB6509 said...

I just realized another problem with this proposal. If the Sacramento Republic are interested in becoming an MLS team and if it makes sense to have that team located in Elk Grove, Nunez and his bunch of cronies hold the exclusive right to a stadium deal so we'd have to pay them off.

Anonymous said...

No worry SteveN6509: The Republic have already decided to play in a new stadium to be built at Cal Expo, paid for entirely by PRIVATE MONEY!

Jughead said...

I am wondering if Nunez and his people are being paid a consultant fee or not? Does anyone know this?

Anonymous said...

Another one gone, and another one gone Another One bites the dust!

Anonymous said...

The Cal Expo stadium is a temp stadium. The Sacramento franchise is playing its hand to gain entrance into the MLS. The MLS, while they're certainly looking at bigger markets with recent expansion teams to NYC, Atlanta, and Miami, also need teams with passionate fan bases like Portland and Seattle. Sacramento has that, with its masses of soccer families. I think MLS does come to Sacramento, but no chance it comes to the most southern point of the county away from the money of the foothills.

Anonymous said...

That helped my decision. Vote for Steve Ly unless he supports this goofy proposal.

We have a greater chance of being hit by a meteorite than landing a MLS Soccer team.

Anonymous said...

Nothing but "pipe dreams." We don't even have money to maintain our streets - vacant lots are full of weeds - NO jobs - the list goes on. Float a Bond for $120 million...lmbo Have you taken a look at the areas this TEXAS firm is presently working with and compare those to Elk Groves size. They have to be laughing all the way to the bank.

Crystal Ball said...

Ice rink now soccer now what?? The water park and aquatics center?

Anonymous said...

Octopus shaped City Hall

Robin Leach said...

Hey, give them a break! They are trying their hardest to make Elk Grove a tourist attraction!

Anonymous said...

Maybe the citizens of Elk Grove don't want to be a tourist attraction. Maybe the citizens want safe streets; great schools; parks that are safe to play in; great shopping opportunities; less traffic; less traffic; less traffic; and stable taxes. If someone were to actually ASK me, I would tell them I'd rather have a healthy city than a tourist city. But apparently no one is going to ask me.

lynn said...

Less traffic I'd not going to happen..it will only be more traffic as more homes go up. Elk Grove general plan has over riding considerations...meaning economic development means we wull have more traffic and it is acceptable.

Anonymous said...

While our city is spending time and $$$ on pie in the sky schemes our neighbor to the south, Galt, has landed a manufacturing plant with plans to build a 220,000-square-foot distribution center. It's called EL & EL Wood Products and plans to have 75 working out of the new distribution center. Just another example of not being laser focused...

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