Elk Grove's Third Annual Multi-Cultural on Tap Tomorrow

August 22,2014 | The City of Elk Grove's Third Annual Multi-Cultural Festival will be held tomorrow at the Elk Grove Regional P...

August 22,2014 |

The City of Elk Grove's Third Annual Multi-Cultural Festival will be held tomorrow at the Elk Grove Regional Park.

Tomorrow's festivities will be held from 10 a.m to 6 p.m. and will feature a variety of ethnic foods, music, an art show, entertainment, fashion shows and activities for kids. Parking and admission are free. 

Two stages at the festival will feature more than 23 demonstrations from Mexican, Brazilian, Azteca, Indian, Marshallese, Cuban, Chinese, West African & Afro-Caribbean, Scottish, Tahitian, Filipino and Punjabi performers, square dancers and martial artists. Musical performances will include Zorelli and Groove Thang. 

The event will offer interactive activities for children, including face painting, a petting zoo and free art activities that promote diversity. A photo booth and pledge forms will allow participants to sign the Elk Grove Diversity Pledge and take a photo to be included on the “face jumble” at elkgrovediversitypledge.org. 

Thirteen food vendors will offer a variety of cuisines, including ahi and salmon poke, spam musubi, egg rolls, Japanese baked goods, hot dogs, Polish pierogi, Italian ice, and barbecued tri-tip and ribs.

More than 60 nonprofits, churches, and community groups will have booths to educate the community about their culture or organization.

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