Elk Grove Police Activities League Loses Major Grant Funding Source

February 15, 2015 | For the first time in several years, the Elk Grove Police Activities League (EGPAL) has not received a Community S...

February 15, 2015 |

For the first time in several years, the Elk Grove Police Activities League (EGPAL) has not received a Community Services Grant (CSG) from the City of Elk Grove. The decision to deny EGPAL's $46,000 grant request was made at last Wednesday night's Elk Grove City Council meeting.

The matter was brought up by Elk Grove Vice Mayor Pat Hume during the council's deliberations over which grant requests to award. Funding for CSG's and Community Block Development Grants comes from the U.S. Housing and Urban Development grants are meant to respectively help fund local community social services programs and infrastructure projects.

"I noticed the [EG]PAL has zero funding attributed to it this year," Hume said. "Is there a desire from the council to see some of the money be funded that way. I don't want to do the work of where it might come from if there's not enough consensus."

Replying immediately was Elk Grove Mayor Gary Davis who said "Unfortunately, no."

For the fiscals year 2015 and 2014, EGPAL received $43,000 and $46,000 respectively in CSG's from the city. An examination of their most recent filing with the IRS shows the group had $128,466 in revenue from various sources, expenses listed as salaries, other compensation and employee benefits totaling $65,499, and $7,269 for professional fees and other payments to independent contractors.  

The filings also show the group paid executive director Kendra Lewis $36,665 in 2012 and $10,500 in 2011.

"With the current background with everything that is going on, I think we need to be cautious with them," Elk Grove City Council Member Steve Detrick said.

EGPAL is non-government organization and is not associated with the Elk Grove Police Department or the City of Elk Grove.

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Anonymous said...

Charities here in Elk Grove play a vital role. The EG PAL received years of grant funding by way of taxpayer dollars from the city of Elk Grove and they need to be held accountable.

This charity enjoyed a high level of public trust by the mere fact that the word “police” is in the name and they received generous tax and legal privileges. But this trust is not unconditional. In return for their privileges, the public has a right to expect the PAL to comply with high standards of governance and probity and to be transparent about their finances.

Word on the street is that the PAL is going under because of mismanagement. The EG PAL Board of Directors is responsible and should have safeguarded the charity’s assets and should have taken strong remedial action to stop the problems and correct the charity’s management.

Apparently that was not done. Michelle Orrock has been the president of the EG PAL for several years. She has since taken over as the Executive Director. How much is Ms. Orrock getting paid? And more importantly, what does she have to say here?

Anonymous said...

Wait a ding dang minute! Davis says, "Unfortunately no" and Detrick says be cautious because what's going on?

1. As a taxpayer I demand to know what's going on! This is our money that has been going to that organization so I want to know what and why.

2. Didn't Detrick's progeny get $10K from the grants a couple of years ago to raise money for the PAL? What's happened? It was okay to give the PAL funds then plus money to his kid, but not now?

I smell cover up. What's going on with the PAL. An independent audit should be done to track the monies in and out with this organization. Something is very fishy and possible illegal here.

Anonymous said...

You do realize that was $23.50 an hour to Kendra Lewis...worked 30 hrs. a week. What the h@$* is that all about????

Warren Buffet said...

Spending taxpayers money is easy and doesn't require an MBA. Remember the ice rink?

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