Old Town Elk Grove Streetscape Workshop This Thursday

March 16, 2015 | A community design workshop will be held this Thursday to solicit input from residents on improvements to Old Town...

March 16, 2015 |

A community design workshop will be held this Thursday to solicit input from residents on improvements to Old Town Elk Grove. The workshop will focus on streetscape improvements on Elk Grove Boulevard between School Street and Waterman Road. 

The workshop will kick-off the second phase of the Old Town Streetscape Improvements Project that intends to beautify this stretch of Old Town. Lighting, landscaping and traffic design improvements are proposed and existing overhead utilities may be placed underground.

The workshop provides Elk Grove residents with an opportunity to provide input on proposed improvements and to suggest additional design ideas. A presentation of the final designs and a second opportunity for public comment will be scheduled in fall 2015.

Phase two of the Old Town Streetscape Improvements Project is funded by a Community Design Grant from the Sacramento Area Council of Governments for preliminary engineering and environmental studies.

The meeting will be held at Joseph Kerr Middle School (8865 Elk Grove Boulevard) in the Multi-purpose Room from 6:00 to 8:00 PM on Thursday, March 19, 2015.

For information on Old Town streetscape improvements, please contact Gary Grunwald at (916) 478-2236 or visit the City’s web site at www.elkgrovecity.org

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Just Passing Thru said...

Drove through Old Town yesterday, a nice sunny Sunday Spring afternoon. Most of the shops were closed and hardly any foot traffic to speak of. The cars were sure out in full force though.

After several million dollars spent on the first phase of the sreetscape; the long-term leased "free" public parking lot, the free facade grants to businesses, and the million dollar food truck plaza--just how much good money are we gonna continue to pour after bad money? Are the Old Town votes that precious?

Anonymous said...

Gonna take more than streetscape to get people to Old Town. I feel like Old Town is out in the boonies, the only time I go through there is to go somewhere else. One thing that might help is to get some YOUNG minds in the decision making process.

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